2 Weeks old / Questions / (Pics Included)


Active Member
BEAR WITH ME!! :lol:

I'm pretty new to this stuff and this is my second grow. First one was EPIC FAIL, lol. Ok to start off I have this little Fem Skunk #1 who is 2 weeks old. I'm using Fox Farms soil with no nutes yet and I'm wondering.. Is she a good size? The stalk seems too skinny at the bottom :sad: but thicker towards the top (What shall I do?) I've constantly had a fan blowing on it since it came out of the ground, except I turn it off right before it goes into darkness then back on at light, 16/8. Should I go ahead and get the Big Grow and Tiger Bloom?. After this grow I plan on doing like 3 at a time. My grow area is 5 foot x 2.5 foot and 8 foot tall. I know I need to upgrade to a bigger light but theres one problem I don't know where to vent and there can be no cutting of holes, lol. I have a 6 inch (non-oscillating) fan but I can get more. 250W or 400w?



Active Member
Plant looks healthy, just looks like got a little stretch in the beginning. What type of light r u using now? I know u said u need a bigger light but maybe u could get away with a cfl bundle or a fluorescent. keep the fan going and maybe try to pick up an oscillating down the way. good luck


bring your light closer , you can have it as close as two or three inches depending on how fast they are growing, some will and can grow as much as 6 inches a day i think average is around one to three a day...so go by that. why are you turning your light out stay 24/7 for the first 4 to 5 weeks. You can leave the fan on as long as the temperature maintains and don't let it drop lover than 68 at night.

just a few pointers, they are Beautiful so far!!!


Well-Known Member
You might want to bury the stem up to the first set of leaves if you can. If you cant it shouldnt be a major issue but you might need to put a stick next to it to hold it up when it starts budding.

bring your light closer , you can have it as close as two or three inches depending on how fast they are growing, some will and can grow as much as 6 inches a day i think average is around one to three a day...so go by that. why are you turning your light out stay 24/7 for the first 4 to 5 weeks. You can leave the fan on as long as the temperature maintains and don't let it drop lover than 68 at night.

just a few pointers, they are Beautiful so far!!!


Active Member
I currently am using a 100 watt HPS but in the future i plan to grow like 3 at a time. So I should let the light and run 24 hours constantly for 3 more weeks? I'll bring the plant a couple inches back to the light. Would you guys recommend me getting the Grow Big and Tiger Bloom or what else? Thanks for the help!


Active Member
So I added 4 100w CFLs surrounding the plant plus the 100w HPS on top. How does it look? ^^^ Also read above. ^^^ Is it normal for the plant to droop a little after watering?



Well-Known Member
That's definitely overkill for that plant. You would probably get the same effect with just the HPS until it gets a little bigger. It won't hurt though so if you don;t mind the slight bit of wasted electricity then you're good. You could also move the cfl's closer.

As far as drooping after watering it can happen. As long as the plant perks back up within an hour or two you should be fine. Make sure you're not over watering though.

So I added 4 100w CFLs surrounding the plant plus the 100w HPS on top. How does it look? ^^^ Also read above. ^^^ Is it normal for the plant to droop a little after watering?



Active Member
I think I may have overwatered because they are still drooping from this morning. The last time I watered it before this morning was like 3 days ago. Anything I can do about that or should I just let it go ahead and recover and don't mess with it for a while?


Well-Known Member
Just let it dry out before watering again.

I think I may have overwatered because they are still drooping from this morning. The last time I watered it before this morning was like 3 days ago. Anything I can do about that or should I just let it go ahead and recover and don't mess with it for a while?


Active Member
Argh... about how long do you think it will take to perk back up because I woke up this morning and they still are drooping. BTW the CFLs are the daylight kind. Are those the right ones?


Well-Known Member
the daylight ones are the ones you want. dont worry about the drooping it will stop when the soild drys out a bit, not much you can do till then.