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  1. S

    What Sex Is My Plant?

    hi this is my first grow with two plant. dont no what they are as where just some seed i had laying about for 2 years lol has any one got any cule as what they could be thanks there are about 6 weeks into flower now??
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    ULTRA stealth rubbermaid build/grow

    Lumens are for humans For veg one 45w cfl 6400k should be fine And for flowering 2700k The lamp are 45w = to 220w for your space bud GreenLamp 45w Blue Spectrum 6400k CFL grow light lamp bulb Bayonet B22: Lighting GreenLamp 45w Red Spectrum 2700k CFL light lamp bulb...
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    ULTRA stealth rubbermaid build/grow

    Hi Imhungry114 looking at the pic your carbon filter won't work as the air has to pass though the carbon not over it. you would be better buying a 100mm carbon filter and popping that in the box then pushing the air thought it this will scrub the air. If you are going to be flowering in...
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    For the co2 if you take a 2l bottle 1/2 cups of suger 1 table spon of dry yest and fill up with warm wather about 1/2" from top pop a air lock on it and you will have co2 for weeks just shake the bottle now and then it will cost you about £1.50 and will last for mouths just ad suger
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    he who laughs last thinks slowest

    he who laughs last thinks slowest
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    What Sex Is My Plant?

    Does any one no if a rooted clone will show sex if it 12/12 but only under a 6400k lamp not looking to fully flower just won't to sex my plants thanks
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    What Sex Is My Plant?

    Thanks kaendar
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    What Sex Is My Plant?

    Just a quick on if anyone could help would be great . Can I take a cutting and flower it to show the sex or dose it have to be rooted first then flower? Thanks
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    12/12 from seed stealth dresser

    If you get a 2l bottle and fill it with cold water or part freeze and leave it in the cupboard just change it out every 2/3days this should bring the temp down.
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    Cabinet Grow| First Grow | Tips mucho appreciated! :)

    I made my carbon filter and it work ok but if it just for veg just get 100mm carbon filter £25 and works a treat I will just cost you more in the long run making them as I found out as you only have one plant if you get half litre pot and cut to bottom off and put some carbon in a stocking when...
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    Tranplanting rooted clones in Soil or Rockwool

    I would think so I would just do 1/4 nute to start with and then just build it up.
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    Tranplanting rooted clones in Soil or Rockwool

    Yes this is what i found hope it helps If you allow the clone to develop the long water roots it will not adjust very fast and stall for about a week or more, so transplant them at or before they are 1/2" to 3/4" long. The drying down from soaking wet soil drench will encourage great rooting...
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    Cabinet Grow| First Grow | Tips mucho appreciated! :)
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    Cabinet Grow| First Grow | Tips mucho appreciated! :)

    It will be fine for now but you won't to be looking for some think a bit bigger I start with a cupboard like yours after 4 week need some thing bigger so I would avice you get some think bigger if you can save making it twice lol as for the light just put some screw in the side wall and hang you...
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    12/12 from seed stealth dresser

    Hi I have a simlar setup But use cfl I have one at 45w= to 225w and one 85w = to 420w Will keep the heat dawn as you will only have 2 ballest and they dont get that hot.