12/12 from seed stealth dresser


Well-Known Member
Hello :)

I've been goin at this for a few months now but this is the first time i've posted any pictures of my own. I'm going to try to keep this going to show some new strains I have going, and also to show my different experiments with these lovely ladies :)

Right now I have a stealth dresser about 34w x 15d x 3h.


I've got 5 fans in there, and 6 t5 2ft strip lights. 3 bulbs are grow spectrum and 3 are 3000k. I've also got 2 more strip lights that i would like to add somehow, and 2 4 bulb t5 fixtures that are too bulky to be desired right now. I really want to work at least one of them in, because I think it could help, but I've yet to figure out how to attach it.


In the pictures starting in the back from left to right there is one random clone a friend gave me, and then a nirvana northern light. in the front from left to right are 2 northern lights, and then a moby dick, followed by a pineapple express.

The pineapple express is a mutant... :) for some reason it didnt shoot up two leaves after the cotyledons...it just shot up one. and now the new growth is coming from the first node... I'm interested to see if that is where the abnormal growth stops, or if it will continue.

I hope you like what y'all see/ can help me with design ideas. This dresser is always evolving as im trying to find new and more efficient ways to provide for lighting/ventilation/stealth issues.



Well-Known Member
looking good man, i like the setup alot. i thought about going with a 2 ft 4 bulb t5 but i went with hps. i'll be watching for this one. what are your temps like? and im guessing everything is 12/12 from seed?


Well-Known Member
Well tbh it gets pretty hot in there, mostly upper 80's. It has a lot to do with how hot it is outside--because i dont have a/c--but also because each strip light puts off its own heat. If it were one unit the t5's wouldnt put out any heat, but right now I have 6 "units" in there. I'm thinking about building a mini swamp cooler and putting in in the cabinet. Right now I'm building a diy swamp cooler for my room and that will also help with the temperature.

The only ones that are 12/12 from seed are the newbies in the solo cups.

I'm getting some clones from a collective in a few days, and they will be going in here as well. I'm thinking to start running a perpetual SOG in here, in solo cups or gatorade bottles or something like that. Everything so far has been an experiment and that will be as well.

your cabinet has a lot of appeal to me as well because having 2 plants to care for would be so much easier! haha


Well-Known Member
don't put in a mini swamp cooler, thought of doing it before for my 400w hps. But someone told me that it'll be too cold and too much humidity, which can blow up the lamp.

one more thing, how long have you been on 12/12?


Well-Known Member
Hi I have a simlar setup But use cfl I have one at 45w= to 225w and one 85w = to 420w
Will keep the heat dawn as you will only have 2 ballest and they dont get that hot.



Hope this helps nice plants
yeah i have a few good cfls and also some better t5 fixtures, but i haven't found a better way to fit light in my cabinet...also im being a little stubborn because i bought all these lights at different times so i'm trying to use my "money's worth." haha kinda silly :)

don't put in a mini swamp cooler, thought of doing it before for my 400w hps. But someone told me that it'll be too cold and too much humidity, which can blow up the lamp.

one more thing, how long have you been on 12/12?
kk good to know, i think i will just keep the swamp cooler in my room then. It kept the room at a good temperature today. i just started doing 12/12. the only plants that started from seed 12/12 are the moby dick and the pineapple express on the right in the pictures.


yeah i have a few good cfls and also some better t5 fixtures, but i haven't found a better way to fit light in my cabinet...also im being a little stubborn because i bought all these lights at different times so i'm trying to use my "money's worth." haha kinda silly :)

kk good to know, i think i will just keep the swamp cooler in my room then. It kept the room at a good temperature today. i just started doing 12/12. the only plants that started from seed 12/12 are the moby dick and the pineapple express on the right in the pictures.

If you get a 2l bottle and fill it with cold water or part freeze and leave it in the cupboard just change it out every 2/3days this should bring the temp down.


Active Member
Love the Stealth Dresser, that's a beautifully put together setup you got there!
Looks like a real labour of love.
Subbed, hopin to see more.


Well-Known Member
Well I stopped growing for a while did some school/traveled but im back again. The cabinet has been upgraded to a flower only cabinet and i have a veg tent as well. ima post a few pictures but I'll try to get on and update it more soon.DSCN0904.jpgDSCN0906.jpgDSCN0907.jpgDSCN0908.jpgDSCN0909.jpg


Active Member
Sweet. That veg tent is beautiful, looks like somethin you'd see in Breaking Bad. I'd spend all day lookin at them.


Well-Known Member
you know... in a way it is bigger than the flower cabinet. it definitely has more floorspace. however, the vertical room is only 2 feet where as the dresser is more like 4 feet. I like having more room in the veg tent because its easy to move mothers/clones around. In the veg tent right now are two plants growning into a scrog, and a cloner i built with some babies taking root. I thought about trying to fit the 250w hps in the tent, but it was too much of a hassle thinking about how to ventilate it as the tent is in my closet. it was much easier to put the light in the dresser as it was in a place where i could put the carbon scrubber etc...


Well-Known Member
the plant in the pictures is a blue berry gum. also in the flowering dresser I have a white widow and a blue widow. In the veg tent I have 2 moby dicks growing into the scrog. the cloner has 1 moby dick taking root, as well as a blueberry gum and a blue widow. I'm not sure where I'm going to put those clones, but I think I have a buddy who will take them off my hands. I think the scrog will be ready before my plants in flower are done, so I will start flowering the scrog in the veg tent until I can move it over to the dresser.


Well-Known Member
hey dude you got a lovely setup and some very nice looking mj, bet u cant wait till harvest :-) I did notice some nice looking bud in the top of the cab ;-)