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  1. Macgyver

    CO2 Off Car

    The results speak for themselves don't they? Why do the leaves point towards the sun remarkably more than if they don't receive a spray? Sure you lose some bubbles when it is sprayed and sure you lose bubbles when you move it from one container to another or even open the bottle but any co2 is...
  2. Macgyver

    Are Leaves and clippings any good?

    I made some Brownies using half a cup of butter and it is pretty hard to find a buzz when i am already smashed but i defiantly feel more relaxed after i have eaten one or two. I gave one to a mate who doesn't smoke very often and it blew him away so thumbs up for the butter.
  3. Macgyver

    My New Idea Of Drying Marijuana

    Hmmmm, interesting theory. I think it would defiantly work, does it matter if it has a smoky flavour? I know everyone of my billies has a smoky flavour. Only thing i would be worried about is having the weed to close to the heat and destroying the trics but if it was high enough it would work...
  4. Macgyver

    best ideas for trim wanted :)

    Turn it into butter! I recently used my trim (not big fan leaves) to make butter. Now i am a regular smoker so it is hard to get a buzz off eating weed when i am already smashed but i gave a brownie to my mate the other day who only smokes every now and then and it blew him away. He reakons he...
  5. Macgyver

    How safe is it to have seeds delivered to my house?

    Hi all, I'm from Australia and it's hard to order seeds here. Customs are pretty strict on anything that is deemed to be 'alive'. I'm not sure how it works in the rest of the world but customs will send you a letter notifying you that the seed have been seized and that if you want them then go...
  6. Macgyver

    CO2 Off Car

    Oh my god! what on earth happened in here??? Rollitup or fishitup??? Getting back to CO2. I go to the supermarket and get 1.25litre bottles of SODA WATER not TONIC WATER, i find it's better to get the smaller bottles than the larger ones cause you lose to many bubbles otherwise and that is...
  7. Macgyver

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    I'm in Australia and i pay between 250 to 300 bucks for an ounce, 28grams. Now that's... U.S 230 - 280 U.K 117- 141 Cad 235 - 282 I don't have to at the moment cause i just harvested my Pound so i am sweet. FOR NOW!!!
  8. Macgyver

    Are Leaves and clippings any good?

    I finished my first harvest and i had a box load of clippings and leaf (i also added all the small buds cause i was being lazy) I decided to make some butter, i ground all the leaf up and i ended up with 8 ounces. I boiled 1.5kg of butter and 4 cups of water in a saucepan and added all 8 ounces...
  9. Macgyver

    how to grow monsters

    I put 3 seedlings in the ground this season, one of them i drove a 90mm water pipe 1 metre down just next to it to loosen up the hard soil underneath. It grew to 10 feet and i haven't seen the crown in The other two only grew to 6 ft and i did nothing different to them apart from no...