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  1. T

    Leaves Discolored??

    Jesus.... they are both undernuted. Give both plants more nutes. Maybe people should refrain from advising when they don't know what the hell they're talking about. this is an easy one. ;)
  2. T

    Hps vs Mh

    I'll tell you what it means... ed rosenthal is going senile. Offers no benefit whatsoever, in any stage of growth? Are you kidding me? Cannabis can quite happily flower or veg in either spec... how can you say blue is of no benefit?
  3. T

    Hps vs Mh

    Really? I have heard no reasonable arguments from you to support anything... I have rooted a leaf, not just one... but 3... the proof is right here on this site... Yet you claim to know this to be impossible... you're a joke. so why don't you fuck off dickhead, and leave this thread to people...
  4. T

    Hps vs Mh

    I never rely on anyone elses information... i have planted the seed, if you are too lazy to search for the information, I'm certainly not going to do it for you. I merely posted what i know, you decided to question that... The leaf clone is a thread on here... search for it, do some legwork.
  5. T

    Hps vs Mh

    No, but i am happy you've finally shut up and quit trying to argue about something you obviously know very little about.
  6. T

    top of plant hitting light

    hey med'... good to see you around. same thing has happened to me many times too... amazing how they can repair themselves.
  7. T

    Hps vs Mh

    again moron... the proof for this is on this site too. In fact, pm potroast and ask him.
  8. T

    Hps vs Mh

    hmmmm... how about, NO. How about, find it out for yourself, like I did... I live and breathe weed. Show me ed's quote, and i will use my own knowledge to point out where he is wrong, I am my own man.
  9. T

    Hps vs Mh

    well back at ya... you show me the proof that I'm wrong... argue with your immense knowledge if you can. You don't even know it's possible to root a leaf? Not just that you don't know but you actually claim to know it to be impossible. The proof is on this site, maybe you need to do a little...
  10. T

    Hps vs Mh

    Actually i came here stating facts... you're the one arguing about them.
  11. T

    Hps vs Mh

    Why al b... all you need to do is check this site. I made a thread about it on here around a year ago... maybe longer. I logged it here once, but i actually did it 3 times... couldn't get it to grow into a plant. I believe i made 2 threads... leaf clone... and 'rooted leaf clone' or leaf clone...
  12. T

    Hps vs Mh

    What planet are you from? You obviously know very little and by the sounds of it misinterpret much of what you hear. I may be out of the field on this site, but in places where people know better I most certainly am not. Yes ed rosenthal is an idiot if he doesn't recognise the benefits of...
  13. T

    Hps vs Mh

    the point with the dinosaurs is that we are taught things all the time that later turn out to be false... sorry it went over your head. how do you know that GL is useless to the plant on it's own? Do you actually know, or are you merely repeating what you think you know? I'll tell you... you...
  14. T

    Hps vs Mh

    Of course blue benefits in flowering... blue is well known to add potency to a flowering plant when used in combination with hps. In fact there is a school of thought that suggests using more MH and less HPS during flower to increase potency. say, 2 mh to 1 hps. it has been known for years that...
  15. T

    WTF is this crap, some weird setup to get my IP?

    looks like a set up to me cod4... i'd be very paranoid if i were you. Infiltration is not very cool.
  16. T

    ph hydro problems - What am I doing wrong?

    yes... readjust. You should only adjust your pH after you add the feed.
  17. T

    top of plant hitting light

    topping this late into flower is not a good idea... train the plant gently so that it bends, try not to snap any stems completely... but if you do, use some sticky tape to piece things back together... use string to hole the bent plant in the position you desire Only top it if you intend...
  18. T

    Hps vs Mh

    and you know this because...? maybe you read it in an old book somewhere? At school... maybe? At one time, not so long ago it was believed that man walked the earth with the dinosaurs... indeed you would have been taught as such in school. they don't reflect all green. Some of it is...
  19. T

    Hps vs Mh

    Jesus... where do you guys get this shit? For your information I have successfully rooted several leaves. They do not grow into plants, unless you are prepared to wait the time it would take to form a new shoot, if it ever does at all. I have kept a leaf rooted for 3 weeks with no signs of it...
  20. T

    My pot movie

    tough break? You mean he's selling a dvd without a happy ending?