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  1. ManWithTheHex

    Grower vs Dealer: who should make more?

    First of all, no one would sell for you with that mindset. EVER. Second, if you by some miracle found someone to work for you they would fuck you over at every turn and you would be the first name they give the cops if they got caught. So good luck.
  2. ManWithTheHex

    What Are You Listening To?
  3. ManWithTheHex

    Rational behind people getting upset - profit Growers?

    Marijuana becomes legal in a few states, and suddenly the smokers from those areas claim the moral high ground. Most of them bought, grew or sold weed themselves, and I find them despicable hypocrites. Does not the growers that supply your dispensaries grow for profit?
  4. ManWithTheHex

    America is fucked... Unless we legalize weed!

    Just making weed legal won't do much, if anything, by itself. Release prisoners that are in jail for victimless drug crimes, stop the privatizing of prisons so the failed drug war can end and most importantly take the steroid needle out from the military's ass. (I would say it's smart to...
  5. ManWithTheHex

    Friend mixed 1/2 g of bud and 1/2 some synthetic and didnt tell me about it

    That's a shitty friend. Putting something you can actually die of smoking in a good ol' blunt made for relaxing is just wrong.
  6. ManWithTheHex

    $75 an eighth! Are you kidding me!?

    Try living in Norway and get 1/8th of random bagseed weed for $110. Poor you getting ripped off, you have my deepest and most honest sympathies.
  7. ManWithTheHex

    Ethics/Legal Question

    Legally he is in his full right to do so, the parents were stupid for putting out something like that as collateral in something they didn't believe in. That being said, of course the guy is a douchebag. If he was able to get enough money to buy the land and houses back, he should have been...
  8. ManWithTheHex


    Hating each other is human nature, if we didn't have different skin colors we would just find another basis to hate each other on.
  9. ManWithTheHex

    What Are You Listening To?
  10. ManWithTheHex

    Girlfriend making me choose between her or weed!

    She gave him an ultimatum: her or the weed, in case you missed that.
  11. ManWithTheHex

    What would your 24 hour day look like if you had unlimited power?

    With unlimited power I could slow down time to a standstill and never worry about the time limit on my powers. There so much shit I would do that I don't know where I should start. Everyone on this forum (there is exeptions of course) would get a kg of the finest green my mind can imagine in...
  12. ManWithTheHex


    I guess I could say I got 2 tattoos as of now. Lower left arm is covered and one on the outside of the upper arm. Building my steampunk sleeve a little by little.
  13. ManWithTheHex

    makes YOU wonder if college is worth it

    I don't think there is any more stabbing and shooting in a college than there is anywhere else, when you consider the amounts of colleges and how many people that is in those buildings on a regular basis. At least I wouldn't count on being stabbed or shoot just because I went to college. The...
  14. ManWithTheHex

    Most stupid moments in movies

    Everybody facepalm sometimes when watching a movie or series. Post some of yours, but try to keep away from major spoilers. One of my most favorite facepalm moments is in Jurassic Park and I'll quote it for you. "Henry Wu: You're implying that a group composed entirely of female animals...
  15. ManWithTheHex

    Accidental Racist song by Brad Paisley

    Yeah the song is about racism, I get that, but how is the song itself racist? I would like you to quote me the exact line or lines that is racist and explain how they are. I'm not trying to be a dick about it, I just don't see it.
  16. ManWithTheHex

    Accidental Racist song by Brad Paisley

    Any sort of pride not based on your own accomplishments is equally stupid in my opinion, be it southern pride, white pride, black pride, asian pride or american pride. The song just seems incredibly stupid to me. I don't understand why it's supposed to be so racist really. It seems like the...
  17. ManWithTheHex

    Should Death be a Right?

    I think it should be considered from person to person. In a subject like this you can't just have some rigid rules about who can do it and not, some guidelines would be okay. Paraphrasing here: "My right to punch in the air ends at your face." People should be allowed to do exactly what they...
  18. ManWithTheHex

    Why didn't other species evolve intelectually like we did?

    If I don't remember completely wrong there was other one other specie that evolved with intelligence like we did. Heard of the neanderthal? Of course we killed them all pretty soon, but you know. The most important key to our intelligence is actually our vocal chords. It made us being able to...
  19. ManWithTheHex

    Girlfriend making me choose between her or weed!

    Tell her all those things, even if she already knows it. You got a good education, good jobs and you smoke on your own time only in the weekends. You don't got connections to the illegal part of it since you grow your own. That you've been doing this in 14 years without a problem and this is...
  20. ManWithTheHex

    After life

    I can say that I'm certain there is no afterlife and be pretty confident in that statement. "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence yatta yatta blah blah" sure that's true, but a warm, fuzzy feeling about something or the fact that I want to believe in something does not make it...