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  1. S

    How long will thay grow?

    If you have control over the light what will happen if you dont give them the 12/12? how long will they grow till they bud any way or will they?
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    How long will thay grow?

    If you have control over the light and you give them 24/7 how long will they grow till they bud any way or will they
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    is this temp burn?

    no nutes water a little every day till they get stronger. Keep it moist not wet. and get a fan blowing over them all the time,keep the air moving
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    Purple Problems!!!! Please Read

    I got four in door plants and all four are purple deep purple. I posted about it and got some good input. First i was told the roots were locked up, so i trans planted. well they took off growing hard core. the soil is fine and they have never ben cold. the purple got deeper all most red and the...
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    Is this weed I found in my backyard?

    yah yah im sorry yah smoke a big old fat bowl and get back to us k
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    Is this weed I found in my backyard?

    your kidding right your a dumb ass even if you are trying to be funny
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    What does root bound mean?

    lol no shit roflmao thats how it looked allmost when i trans planted my four bag seeds to a bigger pot lol
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    26 day flowering, DROOPY plant

    I think if you just plop it in a bigger pot it should be just fine right now like he said the roots are strangled and if it keeps up to long it will still bud but they will be some scrawny little things
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    26 day flowering, DROOPY plant

    it all looks good but i think home boy is right about the pot grab it by the stem after you water and try to pick it up some how to let the pot slip off so you can see. here let me save you the prob your going to see a great big ball of roots and no dirt if you cant dig in the top soil at all...
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    leaf looks spotty

    if light did not do it. It is some thing in the water that pooled there what is your water source?
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    leaf looks spotty

    water pooled leaf and burned it what kind of lite?
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    HELP ME PLEASE..plants dying

    o shit spring water ? thats perfect just a little every day till it gets stronger not wet moist there is a big difference and the sun from the window is just fine for now just watch the hight so it dont fall over
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    HELP ME PLEASE..plants dying

    boil it then add nuts if you have dont over due it tho
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    HELP ME PLEASE..plants dying

    water is no good get a gallon from the store. there are things in tap that dont go away and the ph is more than likely to high i know mine is
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    Something really bugging me

    Just dont let the fools rent space in your head enjoy what you can find and ignore the rest. we know who we are and a dumb ass is easy to spot,
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    Watering plants

    and if you want hit them with a spray bottle in the morning so you can mimic the early morning dew dont use tap water to water or spray your plants and if you have a hps light watch out you dont burn your leaves
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    Watering plants

    yes that is to mutch water i think. what are they planted in a 4 oz cup? if the soil is wet dont water you will rot the roots when you can stick your finger down about two inches and its dry then water and you mite want to tip it out of the pot to see if the plant is root bound,
  18. S

    seed development after pollination.

    can you post a pic ?
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    Need advice for 1st grow

    you watch brother, when that first seed pops and you can see it. It will be like chasing pussy you will do any thing for that little plant. I started off with the same idea you had that was a thousand dollars or so ago but the end result is worth it.
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    cut 1 dowm 2nd harvest

    Nice !!!!!!!! smoked any yet ? what is the strain ?