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  1. J

    HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

    Insecticide is the most common remedy in killing pest and insects that has been killing your plant. But just consider looking for a less toxic pest or insect control.
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    Grow Video's

    I agree with you
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    Slow Growth and Some Yellowing...

    I find it very interesting and in some way fascinating for this particular plant, it ha been highly prohibited to regrow and plant such kind of leaves for it's unlikely effect but then here you are taking care and nurturing it. I guess, it always depends on you.
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    Elephant Stomper!

    Where you have bought this seeds? I was looking for it long time and now had seen it again here.
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    Qrazy Train from seed

    I was really excited seeing your plant grow, it's better that you have some documentations since from the very start.
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    Please Read if you TRULY know how to grow...

    Just like you I also don't know how to grow plants and was in fact looking for some effective and useful advice.
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    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    It looks like a coral reef, but then it's a good material for decorating. I don't have really an idea that it can be frosted and even can be made as material for improving our home.
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    Time To Get Rid of Concealed Carry Bans?

    I think it's not a good idea and it might have caused you problem that eventually lead to an increase crime rate.
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    Computer Fan Wiring

    I really don't have any idea where to get all of this, I know I sound stupid but then it's true. Can I bought it on any hardware suppliers? I need fan for my pc.
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    What I got going on right now

    I guess I should have one planted so that I could also share my moments in regrowing and taking care of plants here.
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    Second grow ever

    You could be very excited seeing them grow more, mine were just starting to sprout those tiny seeds.
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    Smoked so much I went blind last night

    I think you had too much with smoking, I reckon and suggest to refrain from smoking if possible. Think about your health and not with anything else like this that would cause you to get ill.
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    My first indoor grow with CFL's

    I am really happy to know about that and hopefully I might also be able to have mine.
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    How much?

    What was a nute and what's the purpose of having it? Is it effective?
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    I did not flush properly. How can I fix this? Please help

    It may work depending on the amount and how you get to handle and take good care of it.
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    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    Nitrogen is the only element that you can found on plants by which also plays an important role in life cycle aspect.
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    Water: The Most Essential Compound

    Seemingly water had played an important role on every aspect of life which is also a necessary tool in enriching bio-life.
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    Something People Ought to Know

    That was indeed a very enlightening topic and truly informative, I highly recognize the magnitude of your point of view.
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    Best Places To Go - Online Shopping

    It's in fact the latest and hottest trending business online that even social sites had deal with it. It's maybe because of the advance technology that we have.
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    Things to Know About Lighting

    I appreciate the time that you partake on sharing all this stuff and also for the information. It was really of a great value and based on facts.