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chef c

Well-Known Member
Anyway, here is the FIRESTOMPER OG!!! Nice sized beans, quite green but bout three weeks left to tiger up and get hard. Then set em up to dry and well that's that. Y'all know what comes next ;)


It looks like a coral reef, but then it's a good material for decorating. I don't have really an idea that it can be frosted and even can be made as material for improving our home.


Well-Known Member
... Just sprayed right into the container huh? Nice:) you could stabilize it if you put it over lightly boiling water.. In a pyrex dish, probably net a lil more flavor and def be easier to work w... I kno you like that oily texture tho :)
Negative i spray it into a Pyrex dish Put it over hot water then scrap it into my oil dish all that on the bottom is Querkle left over oil i figure it will all get smoked. One thing i need to try is putting my dish on a heating pad for a few days to get it to rock up a little

chef c

Well-Known Member
Word, I get my "sex wax" after about (depending on strain) 4 heating and cooling cycles... We'll have towork a batch once together so I can pass on my tech- even I don't get it from just reading what I've said... Gotta see it I guess :)


Well-Known Member
Word, I get my "sex wax" after about (depending on strain) 4 heating and cooling cycles... We'll have towork a batch once together so I can pass on my tech- even I don't get it from just reading what I've said... Gotta see it I guess :)
So just basically do the hot water method 4 times but let it cool for how long inbetween?

chef c

Well-Known Member
So heat it up to a very runny liquid (I actually put it over a boil but I don't want people to get moisture in, so I say in the thread "light boil" right..) Then cool it down, all the way to room temp. You can tell by the pyrex, it will be cool to the touch. Repeat, you'll know your close when you hit the "glass" stage.. It will shatter when cool and be amber color... Pretty good here, but a real bitch to work w. Pieces will go flying across the room when you try to very barely get any out.. A lil bit past that stage and you have the infamous "SEX WAX" perfectly stable, very easy to work w, and awesome to put on a nail, dunk, bowl, or hash pipe... Do the process ten times if it takes that long, the reward is worth it!


Active Member
Got a ? Maybe chef can answer this...when making cannabutter should I be using leaf material or should I kief that first and then use the kief to cook? Just going for taste wise as I don't really like that green weedy taste in my edibles


I always use hash for my edibles, either ice water, or dry ice. can barely taste anything, just enough so you know your going to be flying, and i have run as much as 10 grams for a double batch of cookies........mmmm cookies
Plus the dry ice hash mixes into flour perfectly, don't have to do the whole butter thing, makes things cleaner and faster.


Well-Known Member
Yes i was sad to not see my brosive chef there *FACE PUNCH* lol but next time. Nice piece i want something like that for my bho