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  1. StarStuff

    Really Rookie Q on Nutrients

    So another question for you, I didn't upload pics of my OG Kush, but now I have a question about them. I was told today I should destroy these OG Kush because they were stunted (during that heatwave I mentioned) My partner told me to ask you guys your opinion. I'd hate to toss them, but if they...
  2. StarStuff

    Really Rookie Q on Nutrients

    Ok thanks for the advice, I'll transplant as soon as I can, I hope my babies turn out like the picture above haha
  3. StarStuff

    Really Rookie Q on Nutrients

    I'm using Root Organics Formula 707. The Nutrients I'm about to use are Humboldt Grow, Micro and Bloom. I'll definitely transplant as soon as I get paid.
  4. StarStuff

    Really Rookie Q on Nutrients

    I checked the drainage holes on the bottom and i can barely see roots yet (in the biggest plant). Do you think they can last 1 more week?
  5. StarStuff

    Really Rookie Q on Nutrients

    I'm probably a week away from transplanting, just because I get paid on friday and won't be able to go to our grow store to get the soil until monday. I will start giving them nutes starting tomorrow now that i am aware of how to feed them. Thank you all for your help, I'm sure I'll be asking...
  6. StarStuff

    Really Rookie Q on Nutrients

    *double post*
  7. StarStuff

    Really Rookie Q on Nutrients

    This is my Querkle, the OG is in the back, its nowhere near ready to bloom (she got stunted in that heatwave we had here in michigan). I have 3 gallon Smart Pots for flowering. We're having an electrician come out in a week to hook it all up and pull codes, all for legal purposes ya know. So...
  8. StarStuff

    Really Rookie Q on Nutrients

    They were cloned 6/22, and I guess I have been vegging them for 6 weeks...damn time flies I hadn't realized that. :shock: and so far I have not used nutrients on them, just water from the tap. haha I feel like you're gonna be HOLY S**t you're doing it all wrong haha. I know they probably should...
  9. StarStuff

    Really Rookie Q on Nutrients

    I looked through the stickied and still couldn't find what I was looking for. And I'm almost embarrassed to ask such a rudimentary question, but how do I administer the nutes to the plants? I have some Querkle that is probably ready for bloom, but I'm letting them veg a little longer to let my...