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  1. tokeiteasy

    veg with cfls...

    you need way more than 4 for 3 plants you need about 3 per plant
  2. tokeiteasy

    flowering problem

    i will def check it again but im certain my water is ok as i test it before hand to make sure. So could it be because the buds are taking all the energy and thus causing the bottom leaves to die ?
  3. tokeiteasy

    flowering problem

    It only appears to happen at the bottom the top is very healthy Error Error Error MY BUDS and the top leaves Error
  4. tokeiteasy

    flowering problem

    First time grow everything was looking fine at the start but as soon as i went into flowering its gone to SH*T all my fan leaves are going yellow and wilting Is this ment to happen also i need to water alot because all the leaves flop downwards if i dont. I water with nutrients everytime...
  5. tokeiteasy

    how much would my electric bill be if i had.. READ

    well the electricity won't dub you in it if you pay your bills on time and always pay as soon as you get them why would they if they are making loads of money off you ??
  6. tokeiteasy

    Some of Lacy's Art!

    love the German shepard you have a great talent
  7. tokeiteasy

    Airport Bust

    lol brilliant my mates did the same thing once and they got caught but got a full physical as it was taped down there the other guy had it in his wallet and got through
  8. tokeiteasy

    flowering problem

    my plant leaves keep flopping to the ground and the main fan leaves at the bottom have gone yellow and wilted any ideas ???? i water everytime the leaves flop but this shouldn't happen constantly
  9. tokeiteasy

    1st timer, With light problem

    i agree cuts out on info being held as any company online will keep records of every transaction for years. So they will have your details and what you bought
  10. tokeiteasy

    1st timer, With light problem

    High Pressure Sodium Light, High Pressure Sodium Lamps, Plant Growth HPS Lighting Systems, HPS Lights For Plant Growing, High Pressure Sodium Plant Grow Lighting here they have a 400 and a 600 no 450 soz
  11. tokeiteasy

    Leaves Aren't Forming/Seeds Aren't Sprouting

    light is too far away and that is making it stretch also did you germinate the other seeds before planting ?
  12. tokeiteasy

    Temp question?

    my temp is usually 28C during the day and 23-25C at night and they were grand
  13. tokeiteasy

    I am using the right nutrients,right?

    i use full strength after 3 weeks growing and there has been no problems YET !!! lol
  14. tokeiteasy

    Seed thoughts and help

    i think NL#5 is on give it a bash
  15. tokeiteasy

    Making a clone

    ok so i will give it a try also i was wondering will it use the 18/6 clcle to grow will that be ok ?
  16. tokeiteasy

    what kind of lights are you supposed to switch to?

    Error hope that helps you
  17. tokeiteasy

    Making a clone

    ok so i got rooting gel from a garden center so is all i have to do is cut it (i know how to do that) dip it in water for a minute and then into the gel and place it in the soil then once a day moisten the leaves for a week ????
  18. tokeiteasy

    How are they Coming

    each in a seperate pot also read the tutorials as id say you don't know much about growing ???
  19. tokeiteasy

    Rolling a Joint, YouTube Videos...

    ok i live in europe you put cigarette tobacco into the weed so it cools it as it burns really hot also the brown stuff was probably hashish (hash) ok here is a pic also get a rolling mat that makes flipping joints so much easier PS. I only roll 3 skinned tobacco rollies LOL
  20. tokeiteasy

    Need Advice

    well buy nutes in a shop and follow the dosage thats all you need to do don't panic and don't overwater thats all you need to do i understand its like a baby and you prob check it 3-4 times a day to look at it but relax and just take it easy and your on your way