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  1. tokeiteasy

    Welcome New Members!

    hello gr8 place here
  2. tokeiteasy

    Need Advice

    dont move it closer in that case id say just support the stems so they don't fall over and introduce a 12v pc fan to circulate air around them so the stems get stronger by themselves as for soil i like using worm humas or bat humas as its naturally rich in nutes but coco mix is ment to be good too
  3. tokeiteasy

    3 Weeks into my First Grow (pics)

    it takes time be patient they will grow at their own pace 6-7 inches is pretty good when they get to about 10-12 inches switch to 12/12 cycle (flowering stage) then you will see growth way faster
  4. tokeiteasy

    Need Advice

    first lower the light they are stretching too much you using a cfl light ?? if so lower it to about 2 inches above them . as for nutes the debate can go on forever about what you think is the best goto a head and grow shop look around and buy what is in your budget range thats my 2 cents on it
  5. tokeiteasy

    3 Weeks into my First Grow (pics)

    looks good leaves a bit droopy happened to me yesterday either you water too much or too little you should only water when the soil is bone dry then water until it comes out the end of the pot then stop and leave it for a few days til soil is dry again
  6. tokeiteasy

    droopy leaves

    could be its the only thing that has changed we will se later if it has picked up
  7. tokeiteasy

    droopy leaves

    well i watered them now with the bloom nutrients hope that works
  8. tokeiteasy

    droopy leaves

    *bump* *bump*
  9. tokeiteasy

    droopy leaves

    it only started yesterday when she went into 12/12 cycle Error Error The tips are a fine and healthy green as you can see so any ideas ???
  10. tokeiteasy

    droopy leaves

    Hello my fan leaves have started drooping since i put it into flowering yesterday any reasons for this ? Too much water ??? too little water ? i water every 4 days or so i test the soil using my finger about 2 inches below the top of the soil if is bone dry i will water it with nutrients and...
  11. tokeiteasy

    Vocabulary of growing terms/slang

    great post cheers
  12. tokeiteasy

    Wiring a computer fan for intake?

    any 12v adapter will do put the black wire into the center part and the red on the metal on the outside and there you go . Use insulation tape to keep them in place
  13. tokeiteasy

    CFL Distance from plant?

    well i have had it about 2 inches during the whole veg stage and it hasn't burnt any leaves also it keeps it from stretching for the light
  14. tokeiteasy

    clone question

    ok cool will do that thatnks ganja
  15. tokeiteasy

    If you could get any strain.....

    a cross between Purple and Bubbalicious currently thinking on working on a Thai/Euforia cross lots of reading to do first though
  16. tokeiteasy

    clone question

    I have started to make a clone i cut it and put it in water but how long should it stay in water before i apply the gel and plant in soil ? 1-2 days ? andthing to signify that it should be moved to soil ?
  17. tokeiteasy

    How do I stealthily pay for stuff online?

    my advice goto a head and grow shop buy it bag it and leave no name given and most don't have cctv
  18. tokeiteasy

    where to buy seeds!!!
  19. tokeiteasy

    My 3week old plant!how am i doing?PICS

    i reckon your light is too high the plant is stretching for it move the light closer what type of light you using ?
  20. tokeiteasy

    how can i prevent ruining my seed while germinating ?

    ok put them inbetween 6 sheets of kitchen paper moisten it everyday and check before you moisten for a root (ie the thing you cracked off) then when it shows gently grab it by the shell part and put it in your soil (make an hole about 1cm down with a pen then put it in and cover gently