How do I stealthily pay for stuff online?


Active Member
Hi all!
I was wondering how people pay supplies etc online other than checks or credit cards in your name... I tried looking to pay cash for gift cards locally but the amounts only go up to $100 and I dont think splitting up a several hundred dollar hydro/light supply purchase over a few cards would work well.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
IMO, you are worrying about nothing. Has anyone ever heard of someone being busted for buying online? Is there a single newspaper story out there? How are you going to get said supplies? Are you are worried about police or rippers or what??? You are still giving them an address, no?

Why are you worried?


Active Member
Heheh I suppose you're right but to answer your question this is my first foray into the hobby and after having read tons on forums like these there's the occasional paranoid story or unfounded rumor that some companies will/might pass on personal info etc etc.. I feel I'm the type who the very first time i dip my pinkie-toe into the pool I get the lifeguard whistle! I'm Murphy.. sorry about my law! :?

Anyways yes it would be sent to my address, but I'm moving several states away next month, plus anyone could have anything shipped to any address really.

Regardless it'd be a good step in further ensuring the security of the little project, which would really help allay the fears of my even more paranoid wife! I just thought there might be some common/clever way of going about this that I might have missed.


Well-Known Member
I understand. Tell your wife lights are still legal though.

Look into getting a money order, you can buy them from places like 7-11, etc. Have you searched for a local shop where you can just pay cash? Keep looking into the prepaid Visa too. A $100 limit is silly. I shop through Hydroponics | Hydroponic Supplies. Call one of their operators and ask for ideas about paying anonymously. I'm sure they can tell you how people do it.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
get a pre paid visa card and have it shipped to a different location than where you live....

Having it delivered to a different location from you is very bad advice in my opinion. First of all you are telling other people about your grow operation for absolutely no reason and exposing yourself to risk and secondly, do you really think that when your friends or family are raided by a SWAT team and threatened with arrest for aiding and abetting unless they tell the cops where the packages are they won't tell them? An extra address won't slow down cops in the least. I know everyone says to do that, but it still doesn't make it a good idea.

BTW, no SWAT team is coming. Can you can show me a newspaper story or ANY proof that someone was raided over an online purchase?


Well-Known Member
what ovwarrior said - i try not to get too worried over things but they ARE out to get us after all.


Well-Known Member
just tell the people that you have it delivered to that it is a present for your significant other and you need to hide it.

don't forget to actually get a large present as a cover story!

again - you don't want to worry yourself to death over things - but a bit of caution is warranted. the risk is great and the penalties severe.


Well-Known Member
just tell the people that you have it delivered to that it is a present for your significant other and you need to hide it.

don't forget to actually get a large present as a cover story!

again - you don't want to worry yourself to death over things - but a bit of caution is warranted. the risk is great and the penalties severe.
Whatever makes you comfortable is the best plan I guess. I'm up to like four or five packages now, between seeds and lights and nutes and etc. everyone would think my spouse is getting an awesome present!


Well-Known Member
I'd only worry about the seeds and those are shipped regular mail with most being cash or money order. They come in sealed plastic bags and as far as i know, 10-20 seeds wouldnt be enough to alert any drug dogs.. The shipping is discreet and regular mail comes in such an abundance, they cant sniff it all.
Have the seeds sent to a P.O. or something.

Fungus amOnguz

Well-Known Member
my mall has these kiosks, u give em x amount of money and they give u a card with x amount of money on it, and its a visa, liek a gift card


Well-Known Member
Whatever makes you comfortable is the best plan I guess. I'm up to like four or five packages now, between seeds and lights and nutes and etc. everyone would think my spouse is getting an awesome present!
i confess! i don't follow my own advice - i don't want to steer anyone wrong either :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I'd only worry about the seeds and those are shipped regular mail with most being cash or money order. They come in sealed plastic bags and as far as i know, 10-20 seeds wouldnt be enough to alert any drug dogs.. The shipping is discreet and regular mail comes in such an abundance, they cant sniff it all.
Have the seeds sent to a P.O. or something.
seeds don't smell BUT they need to be cleaned since what they grow in and around sure does!


Active Member
I've checked into 1 of 2 local hydro shops and the prices were near double what the internet shops offer... I guess I'll check the other as well. Peace of mind is great but I don't think I want to throw an extra few hundred dollars at it just for my personal (non-commercial) project.

I called VISA before starting this thread asking them who in my area sells the 500 cards.. jack squat (and i DO live in a city). I haven't tried MC or AMEX so I suppose I'll give them a shout too. Thanks for the money-order idea I'll definitely look into it.

Thanks to everyone who has replied thus far!


Well-Known Member
I've checked into 1 of 2 local hydro shops and the prices were near double what the internet shops offer... I guess I'll check the other as well. Peace of mind is great but I don't think I want to throw an extra few hundred dollars at it just for my personal (non-commercial) project.

I called VISA before starting this thread asking them who in my area sells the 500 cards.. jack squat (and i DO live in a city). I haven't tried MC or AMEX so I suppose I'll give them a shout too. Thanks for the money-order idea I'll definitely look into it.

Thanks to everyone who has replied thus far!
if they bother to watch online stores - why wouldn't they do the same with brick and mortar?


Well-Known Member
I use prepaid visa cards from Rite Aid drug store,then i register the card in a fake name,i like to use Frank Zappa or George Duke,most young folk dont have a clue who these people are,you can get 2 seperate cards,one has a $500 limit & the other has a $2,500 limit.

For a shipping address i use my local ups store(not affiliated with ups proper),they are a chain franchise & are very used to having packages drop shipped to them for people,i make sure that i pay all fees beforehand then all i have to do is pay the handeling fee charged by the ups store with no id i might add.