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  1. P

    Nute burn spreading wild, affecting whole plant.

    if your soil is to hot then take a bag of worm castings and make a tea out of them by mixing the castings with warm pH balanced water you will end up with brown water with muck on the bottom of whatever you are mixing the two in. I recommend a large tupperware container or a bucket. If its...
  2. P

    Can't solve Powdery Mildew after week 4 of bloom. Need advice

    30 mls of 3 percent h2o2 plus 20mls isapropal alcohol per liter. Add a few drops of sunlights as a wetting agent and mist mist mist. Eliminate any standing water in your room, reservoirs etc and watch your humidity in the off cycle when it gets bad. this recipe can be sprayed while lights...
  3. P

    Clones drooping, first time cloning help please?

    Clones need to placed in moist pH balanced (not soaked) rockwool. also use cfl lighting approx 5 inches above dome. those are still salvageable if you can prop them up a bit but your light is way to much for them.
  4. P

    Buddah Haze not budding NEED HELP please!!!

    sativas like that take way longer to finish. Looks like you may have gotten some seeds with poor pheno's or if they were clones I would sat that strain is worn out (clone from clone from clone from clone etc.) also check for light leaks and get yourself some nice hybrids.
  5. P

    Ed Rosenthal Super Bud

    all I know is I bought some Stoney Girl seeds sponsored by ole Ed there and it was the worst crap I ever grew, not to mention the finish times and yields were a bunch of bullshit. Sorry but I would not try anything that guy recommends. Nothing but huge disappointment. I have been growing for...
  6. P

    what are the best type lights to grow with?

    metal halide in veg and hps in flower. If you cannot afford both go with HPS. If you are using digital ballast buy both bulbs.
  7. P

    spider mites !!!!

    all organic is not realistic at this point I am afraid. Once your lights are off try bug be gone at 20mls per litre in pH balanced warm water. It is the least of the poisonous ones. General Hydros azimax will just create a superbug resistant to everything once used more than a few times. Bug...
  8. P

    Cheaper Jack Herer strains any good?

    don't grow Jack dude. True jack takes 12 weeks to finish and even though it is a great yielder the smoke will never have a sweet taste
  9. P

    Who's growing Critical Mass?

    I have friends that are producing it and had to go through each seed and to pick the best. 8 out of ten had crap phenotypes but two (females obviously) were not bad. Took a lot of sorting out and turned out not bad when done right. good quality smoke and pretty good producer in two of the...
  10. P

    Stoney Girl...

    She is bullshit artist and a scammer. Stay away from anything these crooks do. Their strains are the worst
  11. P

    Stoney Girl...

    dude you got taken, stoney girl is total and absolute garbage. Don't feel bad I got taken to.
  12. P

    Stoney Girl...

    stoney girl is some of the worst crap I have ever grown and I have been at this for 20 years. Jen is a liar and a scammer who is just trying to cash in. bad genetics and total total garbage. Do not grow stoney girl.
  13. P

    Stoney Girl...

    What a load of crap, stoney girl seeds suck. The genetics are absolute garbage. Finish times are the biggest lie I have ever heard. I purchased some of these seeds and grew them next to my tried and true and what a joke. Ed should be ashamed of himself for aligning himself with these people...
  14. P

    Stoney girl Seeds Oregon Locals help please!

    dude don't waste your time . this is some of the worst weed I have ever seen. total crap. total lies about finish time. the strains are weak and inferior and herm out because they are totally unstable. once again do not buy stoney girl. I have some next to my kush and it is truly a scam.