Buddah Haze not budding NEED HELP please!!!

[h=2]Im growing two different plants in my grow room, a "La Cheese" and a "Buddah Haze". Im using a hydrophonic system and a 400w hps bulb, curently there in the fifth week of flowering, the La Cheese is budding beautifully, I could see buds from the start off the third week of flowering but no sign of the Buddah Haze,what could be the problem??


dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
do you have a light leak? some indicas can flower with more than 12 hours of light. depends some flower when there is 14 hours of light. so ive read. the taller looks more sativa they can take upward of 15 weeks to finish.


sativas like that take way longer to finish. Looks like you may have gotten some seeds with poor pheno's or if they were clones I would sat that strain is worn out (clone from clone from clone from clone etc.) also check for light leaks and get yourself some nice hybrids.


Active Member
That looks like a pure sativa to me; if it is you need to be very very patient my friend, she'll flower when she's good and ready. I've seen some take as long as 11 or 12 weeks to fully mature, without counting veg time. I wouldn't say you have a light leak because then your other plant wouldn't be flowering as it is.