Search results

  1. cabledawg

    Attitude order confiscated in Chicago, but did not include a letter, only a note

    12 $200+ orders from tude in past year. all with tshirt and tin , all have made it no prob, routed thru big apple , thankfully mine never went to windy city so some massive luck there :bigjoint: I have seen a ton of people over past few months talking about chi town and things going missing. I...
  2. cabledawg

    Should I buy this 1000w Balast???

    This is so true. sure you can save a buck online , but if something goes wrong it is far better to be able to get face to face with some one vs emails and phone calls and shipping. It's the difference of your girls having the life giving light back sooner vs waiting on a package to ship and be...
  3. cabledawg

    The Odds of that !

    must have some good karma goin for ya !! :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:
  4. cabledawg

    Private Investigator

    calling the LEO's on anyone is bad juju in my book. I would just watch him see who he is watching. Hell pop some popcorn and grab a lawn chair and sit next to his car like you are watching TV.:twisted:
  5. cabledawg

    GrowPanel Pro 300

    a friend got one of these and is gonna do something with it. gonna pull up a chair on this thread and see how ya turn out and if I can get some pics to compare later.
  6. cabledawg

    howdy folks

    hey thanks for that, did not see that section down there, posting links there now
  7. cabledawg

    great new band out of Clemson SC

    hello forums, if you like good rock n roll check these guys out, local band pay'n their dues try'n to catch a break check'm out on you tube more songs at soundcloud i know this music is not for everyone...
  8. cabledawg

    howdy folks

    hi there forums, long time reader , recently joined site and 1st time posting. thank you to all the helpful people on here, lots of good advice and info on here. many thanks for a great site like this to spread knowledge. also if you care to check these guys out, good new band called Flat...
  9. cabledawg

    LED Lighting Questing... Is this a good or not?

    I would like to know this also. space, heat etc is a huge problem for me with HPS & MH lamps. if the LED does the job...I would have to give it a try. The reading I have done on various sites has mixed reviews to say the least. Like on everything else , alot of wrong / bad info on the topic...