Private Investigator

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
So since this morning there has been a car parked on our curb. Car is running and a guy is sitting in there.

After we noticed him there for 4-5 hours mom and I walked up to ask what he was doing.

He cracked the window like 2 inches and said, "private investigator" then rolled it back up.



Staff member
in order for PI to investigate the local police station needs to know about them call them up and see to make sure he is legit.
if he is a PI the police will know and if he isnt the police will take care of the guy
at least in canada the police station needs to know about them
i only know this cause someone in my family is really really sick and someone had a PI investigating her to make sure she was truly sick but the police station didnt know or the PI didnt inform them anyways the PI is no longer in business because he didnt let them know

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I figure he's not investigating me because it would be silly to park on the curb of the person you are investigating. Plus PI are for cheating spouses right?

My mom was worried he was a pedo pervy dude or something.

He is still there btw.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
He's got a computer in his car like the ones a cop would have. I saw it when he opened the windows. He had google maps open.


Well-Known Member
calling the LEO's on anyone is bad juju in my book. I would just watch him see who he is watching. Hell pop some popcorn and grab a lawn chair and sit next to his car like you are watching TV.:twisted:
Nah man, fuck that. The the COPS and have them verifiy he is who he says he is. If he is a PI then its cool...... This is your neighborhood we are talking about. The place you and your family calls home and it should be a secure place. Call the LEO, let them do there job and see whats up.


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt call probably, but im not a woman alone at home. I also dont like my neighbors so fuck them...
PIs do cheating spouses but they do other stuff. Workers comp claims, insurance claims, alimony.


Well-Known Member
Grab a pair of binoculars and park right next to him and just stare at him until he gets pissed off. And grab a bottle of windex and clean his windshield every hour or so and ask for some spare change

also go to every house on the block and tell them about this guy.


Well-Known Member
PI's can be hired for whatever you need investigating. My buddies grow got robbed and police weren't doin shit about it so he hired a pi to find his stuff. He did find it and cops got all the equipment back.


Well-Known Member
So since this morning there has been a car parked on our curb. Car is running and a guy is sitting in there.

After we noticed him there for 4-5 hours mom and I walked up to ask what he was doing.

He cracked the window like 2 inches and said, "private investigator" then rolled it back up.

Do you live in Florida?? Are you part of the neighborhood watch?? If so, you know what to do.....