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  1. O

    2012 outdoor grow

    Your neighbors dog would have already went to doggie heaven in my book
  2. O

    First outdoor grow. Am I just being impaitent?

    If trics are not milky and amber its not ready but if you live above 45n keep close watch on weather
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    need ideas... going on vacation

    Water good rite before you leave and cover soil with plastic to prevent evaporation place pie plate or shallow dish under s.p. With 1 or 2 inch of water
  4. O

    How far into flowering am I?????

    you have the first signs of female plant with only 7-8 hours of light you better sit on your hands as long a you can because a plant can be covered in tric. and still not very good. its only when the two chem. in the tric. combine through photosy. THC IS PRODUCED