First outdoor grow. Am I just being impaitent?


Active Member
Does outdoor finish just like the indoor stuff? My pistils are still very long and white, but the buds are swelling nicely.. Should I be going by trichomes or by the pistils.

Will add pics later for your critique..


Active Member
I live in central CA. It's still 90 here in the afternoon, and in the 50s at night.

I just think I'm being impatient because I want to get them chopped and in before the rest of the foilage around them dies off.


Well-Known Member
Go by the trichs not the pistils. They continue to process after harvest anyway. Depending on how indica ur plant is, you could be looking at end of this month to end of october. I'm chopping in less than 2 weeks on some of mine and the rest will run til november


Well-Known Member
I live in central CA. It's still 90 here in the afternoon, and in the 50s at night.

I just think I'm being impatient because I want to get them chopped and in before the rest of the foilage around them dies off.
CEN CAL GROWERS UNTIE!!! or unite.. or smoke em.. !

here is how I see it. when you get weed does it look plump and thing or skinny and airy? if pistils are showing wait about 7 days... see how they look now.. betting you think they are bigger..

you can eat a green banana if you are hungry, it works.. right?? may not taste 100% like you are use to.. but fills your belly up... never been a fan of not sampling.. hell I nuked some bud this am.... got me from 8am till 10am then smoked another.. the weed still worked same reaction TOO ME.. but I will pull samples early due to not having enuf for the year.. I grow from feb till nov.. run out or low during the other mo's so.. sampling or smoking what ya got has been ok in my book for years... its... not 100% but it's ok.. and works