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    Dimmer switch as fan control?

    Old style dimmers worked using a resistor that generated heat, new ones affect how quickly the AC cycles I think...I'd say it's ok...I know perfectly well I could use one for fans but I'm trying to save money!:blsmoke:
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    Dimmer switch as fan control?

    Hi Just wondering if the dimmer switches used for tungsten lights would work to raise and lower fan speed and how one would wire this? I've a 25watt fan and a tungsten dimmer that says 40-250watts on it, is there anyway this would work?
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    Arjan's Haze #3 - 1st CFL grow

    Looking great man, in 8 weeks time my Arjan's Haze 3 will be done and I hope I do as well as you. Just wondering, how tall are your plants? I tied mine down during veg and again when they shot up at the start of flower and I've managed to keep them at just over a foot tall, which I think is...
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    Nute burn? Pest damaged leaves dying, curled tips

    Thanks for the replies, I was probably freaking a bit when I posted originally, being a nube and all that. My plants are currently 3 and a bit weeks into flower and doing well, the only yellowing I get on leaves is on lower, light starved leaves and the other leaves are looking much healthier...
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    Nute burn? Pest damaged leaves dying, curled tips

    No pointers? Could it be leaves that aren't getting as much light cos they're further down dying off cos of flower?
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    Nute burn? Pest damaged leaves dying, curled tips

    Bump! I've flushed properly and added a weak fertilizer with nitrogen and phosphorus incase a deficiency of one was causing the yellowing.
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    Nute burn? Pest damaged leaves dying, curled tips

    Hi! It's my first grow, I'm just over a week into flower and I fertilised with advanced nutrients grow-micro-bloom combo in a 1:1:1 ratio about 6 days ago. I think a made it up a bit to strong as my plants look like they have nutrient burn because leaf tips are curling down slightly and older...
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    Help using advanced nutes

    Sup! I've got 3 Arjan's Haze 3 that've been veg'd for 4 weeks and are a few days into flower. They've just been feeding off whatever nutes are in the soil at the moment but I just bought Advanced Nutes Grow-Micro-Bloom and want to start feeding. As far as I can tell I'm meant to use these in a...
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    Arjan's Haze #3 - 1st CFL grow

    Just wondering, what height are your plants at d mo? I've Arjan's Haze 3 under a 200watt ecolite and I'm wondering if I'm gonna out grow my space...
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    Arjan's Haze #3 - 1st CFL grow

    Subscribed. Got some of those beans under the soil myself, hoping they'll sprout soon.
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    Miniature Sativas?

    Sativa's in general are just tall plants but the greenhouse has bred a miniature sativa, Arjan's Haze 3. It's bred from genetics from Laos, where there's a landrace short sativa (apparently) and I just picked myself up 5 seeds in the Dam, gonna try it out in a month when I move into my new...
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    Estacsy-Your opinion if you took it(NOT PLANNING ON DO IT )

    E's mad common where I'm from. I know there's less chance of it being cut with meth (dirty shit that we don't really do anywhere near Europe!) here than in the states, which probably makes European pills better. Anyway, did it once at an electronic music festival, best weekend of my life!
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    good amsterdam strains

    Anyone here ever been to Basjoe's? It's around the corner from the Rusland (one of the Dam's older coffeeshops) Run by some very friendly lads, there Bus Special is worth a shot, it did wonders for clearing our heads after our shroom trip!
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    Phophet 2nd grow

    Following this one, good luck! I'd like to see how the C99 grows, I'm trying to decide between Arjan's Haze 3 and C99 for my first grow whenever I get my own place.
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    Anyone like Hallucinogen, aka Simon Posford? Gonna be checking this guy out at a festival FULL of psytrance!!!
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    Yeah, I've heard that, that'd be great for me because I like a nice sativa high and I can't exactly pick out what type of weed I get because the man says no! I really like the look of the silver surfer, having looked at the design of that and of others I'm currently leaning towards it. It's...
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    Using blacklights..

    Good stuff stealing, keep us posted! Off-topic, how'd you pick your name? Wasn't "stealing the name of jah" by any chance?
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    Cool, thanks. I'm going to be in Amsterdam playing a few gigs in August so I'll hit the Rusland and try their Volcano and try any others I can and maybe bring something nice home. :)
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    Did search, found out much of what I wanted to know, just wondering if any one has experience with the vap I mentioned?
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    Hi, I've been on here for a while and I've posted a couple of posts. I've been considering getting a vaporizer because me and my girlfriend have asthma and smoking does a have a negative effect on it. I've been reading about the different types, convection etc. and looking at a few, mainly the...