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  1. uarkgreen

    Green Country Soil

    Found a local hydroponics shop in the area and bought a bag of fox farm ocean forest.. now what?
  2. uarkgreen

    Arkansas Growers

    NWA here as well. There is a nice hydroponics store located in Rogers that opened August of 09. Let me know whats up
  3. uarkgreen

    Green Country Soil

    I know them very well. I wakeboard out at Beaver quite often. I'll need some aid in the beginning because of the instability of the first couple of weeks so send me a private if you ever wander in the direction.
  4. uarkgreen

    Green Country Soil

    What could I get at a local gardening store that would help out with my soil?
  5. uarkgreen

    Green Country Soil

    For the first couple of weeks before transplant would Green Country potting soil and the mushroom compost suffice? I would expect the plant's roots to search for food more if I did it this way. Am I wrong?
  6. uarkgreen

    Green Country Soil

    Well, if you are in the area then you should come help with my tomato plants.
  7. uarkgreen

    Green Country Soil

    Do you think mixing in some of the mushroom compost would help out?
  8. uarkgreen

    Green Country Soil

    Flower and vegetables gardens are in NWA. You familiar with the area?
  9. uarkgreen

    Green Country Soil

    I'm pretty much limited to what I've got due to where I live.. I gotta work with what I got. What do you think?
  10. uarkgreen

    Green Country Soil

    Also, I wanted to add that both bags are nutrient free.
  11. uarkgreen

    Green Country Soil

    So, I'm starting a new grow and am trying to do everything right. Starting with the soil. I will be growing in a grow cabinet under CFLs. I picked up soil at the local agriculture store thats made by a company called Green Country. I got a bag of Potting Soil - mixture of compost, sand, and...
  12. uarkgreen

    What the HELL

    I checked the ph and it reads around 7.. I used one of those soil testing kits and one of my meters has ph on it but its not digital so maybe drainage is the problem!
  13. uarkgreen

    What the HELL

    I sure hope so.. Im laying off the water until my meter says that they're dry about 3/4 the way down the pot. There isn't any place where water runoff could come out of.. Maybe that is the problem?
  14. uarkgreen

    What the HELL

    Ya I went and got a Cannabis Cultivation: A Complete Grower's Guide today at the bookstore and hopefully that helps with all my fucked up shit.
  15. uarkgreen

    What the HELL

    Another quick question.. If I am LST how long do I tie them in each direction?
  16. uarkgreen

    What the HELL

    Okay awesome. I need to get myself one of those.. Do you think the local bookstore has some sort? I may have been overwatering, which could have caused my recent problems.. Time will tell. Let me know what you find!
  17. uarkgreen

    What the HELL

    It says on the MG bag that it feeds for like 3 months so I don't know if I should do that or not.. The plants aren't on their death bed yet but I hate seeing them do bad. If I flushed them out, could it potentially kill them and how long until I will know if that worked? I have not used much...
  18. uarkgreen

    What the HELL

    Today I went to the local garden store and purchased a soil testing kit and it turns out that my PH seems to be fine but Nitrogen, Phosphorus, AND Potassium seem to all be high. I'm using MG African Violet Soil mixed with part MG Perlite so I don't think flushing would be a good idea because it...
  19. uarkgreen

    Grow Mecca

    Hello, I am in need of some advice. I've got space a space about 7 feet by 4 feet and about 7 feet of height to work with. I am on my first grow and going the soil route with them under CFLs during Veg and planning on getting a HPS for flowering. The closet has fresh airflow and a place for...
  20. uarkgreen

    $20 70w HPS

    I saw one of those 400 watt HPS in home depot the other day, but like you said, no ballast. Is there any way to rig a light setup to where you could run one of those big boys (buying at Home Depot) and not burn your house down?