Green Country Soil


Active Member
So, I'm starting a new grow and am trying to do everything right. Starting with the soil. I will be growing in a grow cabinet under CFLs. I picked up soil at the local agriculture store thats made by a company called Green Country. I got a bag of Potting Soil - mixture of compost, sand, and perlite, and I also bought a bag of Peat (turba) compost. I am wondering how much of the peat compost I should mix in with the potting soil. The guy at the store told me that the peat is a mushroom compost. What do yall suggest?


Active Member
Uarkgreen I use that stuff in all my flower gardens and vegetable garden. Its great soil minus the fact there's no nutes in it. But that's an easy fix if you just buy some nutes. I'm growin an auto right now with a soil mix of 1/3 FFOF, 1/3 Green Country Potting Soil, and 1/3 perlite. Couldn't be happier with the results. Where in ark are you from?


Active Member
Uarkgreen I use that stuff in all my flower gardens and vegetable garden. Its great soil minus the fact there's no nutes in it. But that's an easy fix if you just buy some nutes. I'm growin an auto right now with a soil mix of 1/3 FFOF, 1/3 Green Country Potting Soil, and 1/3 perlite. Couldn't be happier with the results. Where in ark are you from?

Flower and vegetables gardens are in NWA. You familiar with the area?


Active Member
Familiar with it yes. Love the area. Compost is always a plus for any plant. Def wouldn't hurt it.


Active Member
For the first couple of weeks before transplant would Green Country potting soil and the mushroom compost suffice? I would expect the plant's roots to search for food more if I did it this way. Am I wrong?


Active Member
I was thinking about heading out there this summer and heading to Beaver Lake and Roaring River. You know the places? I would love to come out and see the vegetables haha. Yes that would work for the first couple weeks. The potting soil has a little bit of food in it to start with but not much. I start my plants in just ground soil from my backyard anyways till they grow some good roots and are ready for food.


Active Member
I know them very well. I wakeboard out at Beaver quite often. I'll need some aid in the beginning because of the instability of the first couple of weeks so send me a private if you ever wander in the direction.