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  1. crazedcanuck

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Reverse Osmosis water its a water filtration process.
  2. crazedcanuck

    First Grow / 3 weeks flower / what should I do?

    Was leaning that way as well. Thanks!
  3. crazedcanuck

    First Grow / 3 weeks flower / what should I do?

    Thanks for the response man but I wasn't asking about the height. I know what I did wrong in that regard. I was asking if I should be removing the lower buds that are forming or if I should rip them off. I seem to be getting awesome light penetration but I am afraid that its going to take away...
  4. crazedcanuck

    First Grow / 3 weeks flower / what should I do?

    Sorry for the lack of info. These are Afghan Kush, full Indica and not Auto's. I don't have many choices height wise as I didn't expect this much height after flowering. My LED light is as high as I can get it. The canopy is currently about 6 inches from the light. 12 inches is ideal for this...
  5. crazedcanuck

    First Grow / 3 weeks flower / what should I do?

    Also would you just get rid of EVERYTHING 5-6 inches below the canopy that doesn't look like producers?
  6. crazedcanuck

    First Grow / 3 weeks flower / what should I do?

    Hey guys, I am about 3 weeks into flower at this point. This is my first time growing so this may look ugly to some people. There are two plants in a 2x2 tent and I am using an AF-90 LED light in coco along with coco nutes. I should have gone with 1 plant but its too late and I got attached...
  7. crazedcanuck

    Vegetation ?????????????

    Is this your first grow? I would say that's a pretty decent size for a start for 3 weeks after seed. They aren't very bushy but they look nice and healthy.
  8. crazedcanuck

    Did I screw this FIM up?

    Yeah I don't think I cut it low enough. Its a minor setback I guess and it adds to the learning process.
  9. crazedcanuck

    Did I screw this FIM up?

    Too late.. I just topped them both. I'll be able to live with the consequences, its my first grow and if the yields suffer a bit I'm ok with that. I think I really started the FIM process too late in the game anyways. I really appreciate you being willing to do that though! For now I'm good. I...
  10. crazedcanuck

    Did I screw this FIM up?

    I think you're right. I'm just going to top them, give them a few days to recover and then bring them into flower.
  11. crazedcanuck

    Did I screw this FIM up?

    Just updated the pictures. They Didn't take the first time for some reason. I need to get these into flower asap as they are growing out of control. So if I screwed this one up I may just top both of my plants.
  12. crazedcanuck

    Did I screw this FIM up?

    The first picture shows my original cut. The second shows what that has grown into after 5 days. This was my first attempt at fimming so maybe this is normal and what it should look like. In the second picture you can see the two off shoots have short leafs where I cut them but this other growth...
  13. crazedcanuck

    Did I FIM this right? Pic inside

    Beautiful, thanks guys! Took me a while to get the courage to make the cut. Cheers
  14. crazedcanuck

    Did I FIM this right? Pic inside

    I know I know, seems pretty easy. Its my first grow and I just now had the guts to cut my baby. Hopefully I left the right amount. What do I expect after this? New growth to sprout from this area? Cheers and any response appreciated! .
  15. crazedcanuck

    Would you top, fim, lst or just let it go? (Pic inside)

    Thanks for the responses guys! I think I'll try my hand at a little fimming and training. Cheers
  16. crazedcanuck

    Would you top, fim, lst or just let it go? (Pic inside)

    First time grow here. 3 weeks and 4 days from germination. One plant is 10 inches and the other is a little over 8. She is a few days younger and just seems to be a harder plant to keep happy overall. This tent is a 2x2 tent so I know its probably going to be a tight fit during flower. I was...
  17. crazedcanuck

    Inline Fan issue/question with a Timer.

    I think you're right. The reason I set it up this way was because I intended to set up a veg tent beside it and pull air from both and push through the one filter. As of right now I took it off the timer and will try running it full time at a mid medium setting. I figured the smell would get...
  18. crazedcanuck

    Inline Fan issue/question with a Timer.

    Hey All, Thanks for the responses everyone. Going to try those suggestions and they make sense. To answer your question LeafGnosis I am pushing through it. I never thought about it but I suppose that cold cause some issues as well, especially on a low setting.
  19. crazedcanuck

    Inline Fan issue/question with a Timer.

    Hey Guys, Are there known issues with running an inline fan on a timer? I've recently purchased a 4 inch inline along with a carbon filter. It seems to work great but occasionally I will go take a look and its shut itself off. Its my first grow so I've got zero experience with any of this...
  20. crazedcanuck

    Beef's Area-51 LED grow! ***WW, BC BB, C99, Purps, Neville's Haze, Moby Dick***

    Well between your grow and The Dawg's I made up my mind and purchased the A51-90 for a 2x2 tent. Its my first time and I have no idea what I'm doing so I figured I would buy the best or as close to the best I can get. Plants are currently under an actual 200 Watt CFL and seem to be doing good...