First Grow / 3 weeks flower / what should I do?

Hey guys,

I am about 3 weeks into flower at this point. This is my first time growing so this may look ugly to some people. There are two plants in a 2x2 tent and I am using an AF-90 LED light in coco along with coco nutes.

I should have gone with 1 plant but its too late and I got attached to them both. I didnt learn how to controll them with (super cropping and LST) until it was almost too late. You'll see these plants are about 4 foot tall. They would be about 5.5 if I hadnt done anything.

I also trimmed and topped both of them so right now I have 4 main cola's, 4 lesser cola's coming up. I trimmed the lowest ones and cloned them. Right now I am seeing small undergrowth and what I assume are called popcorn buds forming now. Should I be pulling these small lower growths off or should I just let it ride?

The last picture kind of shows how much wasted room I am using because of my lack of training. My next grow is going to be an attempt at a scrog or more lst/super cropping. Its the last picture that shows the small growth I am talking about.

Also a huge thanks to everyone for answering a few questions I have had so far!


Sorry for the lack of info. These are Afghan Kush, full Indica and not Auto's. I don't have many choices height wise as I didn't expect this much height after flowering. My LED light is as high as I can get it. The canopy is currently about 6 inches from the light. 12 inches is ideal for this light but I don't think I can do anything about that at this point.

I think my canopy is fine and I think I can keep most of the new growth pointed towards the light. I don't think my plants are at their optimal light for these specific LED's though as I am getting decent undergrowth. I think I let the canopy get too high. Decent flowers are found up to 6 inches below the canopy itself.

More info:

Growing in Canna Coco
Canna Nutes
AF-90 LED light 170 Watt draw
6 inches from light
3 weeks into flower
Fan leaves blocking a lot of buds
PH 6.2 (ideal for coco)
Pretty sure my nutrient combo is good.

Not sure what else to add.


Active Member
Option A) move the plants to a more heightend place.

Option 2) lightly bend(LST) the bottoms and shorten the canopy out.

Option D) don't do anything, pray to god. Ask for more wisdom, and time to think during the next grow.

Plants double, sometimes triple in size when flowering is induced. Keep that in mind. Theres some wisdom for the next grow for ya :cool:
Thanks for the response man but I wasn't asking about the height. I know what I did wrong in that regard.

I was asking if I should be removing the lower buds that are forming or if I should rip them off. I seem to be getting awesome light penetration but I am afraid that its going to take away from bud production up top.