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  1. 1

    Led Users Unite!

    Hello all! Well I have determined to go with the blackdog l.e.d. Here are the specs: 1) 45inx40inx7ft. 2)1000 watt Platinum blackdog. this will be a soil grow i figure 12.5 square feet. Also I want to scrog, so how many plants? I want to explore the V-shape trellis or stadium scrog. I want a...
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    What's the Skinny with Epistar LEDs???

    in the same boat, thinking bout a blackdog. They claim 2 use epistar as well
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    Promo codes,discounts,coupons

    thanx 4 the input. p.s i love aliens!
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    Promo codes,discounts,coupons

    I have been looking 2 purchase a l.e.d. On all sites there's always a option 4 a promo code, but Idk where 2 find any! Please anyone post up the info an/or codes to help the community get 2 work alot cheaper. I preferably am trying 2 find a blackdog l.e.d promo code. thanx all!
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    carbon filter??

    thanx a million ppl like u make it possible 4 us all 2 grow together no pun intended haha
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    carbon filter??

    can a filter be placed vertical? i have seen some like that but hear different. i decided 2 go with a l.e.d so can i just place it vertical above led exhausting out like l.e.d carbon filter fan ducting exhaust?
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    inline fan carbon filter help

    i comments sound nice on here can u tell me what to get running a led in a 4x4x8 i just need to know all i need than i can find it myself through phresh im thinking. so a carbon in-line fan and some duct? doi need a flange if there both 6in or is a flange like a universal fitting deal?? thanx
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    LED users please come inside

    initial price is not what im concerned about right now, more how productive it will b and how many plants can i safely put under it? don't want mh/hps as inow see these as a better start 4 me.
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    LED Spectrum design

    Is the blackdog worth it? how come no matter if u buy the smallest or biggest the veg/flower footprint doesnt increase shouldnt it grow/increase as u buy a bigger size.
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    LED users please come inside

    has anyone seen the blackdog led? just curious as 2 why no matter what size light u buy, b it the smallest or biggest they still have the same flower footprint / veg footprint? shouldnt the footprint expand the bigger the light more watts that is also?
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    LED users please come inside

    just curious what u came up with? imlookin and reading alot about LED too but know nothing about them. if i buy a 400 progrow led is that all i need 4 a full harvest. veg and bloom can i have 2 much led light in a set-up?
  12. 1

    LED Spectrum design

    im just starting and very confused! i thought i could just buy a progrow 400 and it would have everything i needed in a 4x4 closet. is one 400 progrow not that. after i buy that i have 2 get more and change up all the colors and bulbs have me confused! please tell me what is needed to start new
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    js120 ii

    thanx i will look into sog sounds a lil better, 600 watt will do that too,
  14. 1

    js120 ii

    Thanx! as afirst grow i honestly don't know what im doing, aside from the tent i have about 800 to spend on all needed equipment. i can legally grow 12 in my state so im thinkin 6 flower 6 bloom it will be in an attic and its a lil hotter in there but i was hoping to intake air through my closet...
  15. 1

    hello all! if ur here i hope u can help. any and all info on a set-up using a SJ 120 ii can...

    hello all! if ur here i hope u can help. any and all info on a set-up using a SJ 120 ii can help. want 2 use t-5hps/mh hoping a 600 watt is enough, need info about carbon filters, holding capacity hell everything. thanx u all ur help helps the community grow!
  16. 1

    Club 600

    hey all im buying a sj dr120 i want 2 use a t-5 but any help is great being my first grow. is a 600 watt gud enough? what about a dual arc, i want to do mh/hps. thanxs any advice will b helpful...
  17. 1

    js120 ii

    If i use t-5 mh/ hps do i need to cool it off inside a dr 120 ii? what size carbon filter?
  18. 1

    darkroom 120ii please help-set-up

    im getting the sj120 for a first tyme grow experience. basically that's all i know other than i live next door to my landlord, and smell has to be completely gone. it's going in the attic so im fine there do i need a cool tube yes a carbon filter but all the spec's r driving me crazy i have...
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    ozarka co2 water

    i cant figure out how to start my own tread,so posting here. sorry,im growing 4 1st tyme and want to buy a complete grow tent system. preferably using t-5 hps,mh lighting. i have a 4x5x6 grow space. i need zero scent! so a carbon filter is a must. also im thinking a 600 watt light? questions are...