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    first time grower...

    Sorry, something didn't go right when i tried to upload the they are
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    first time grower...

    Hello this is my first time growing. And this one is growing w/o any nutes. Can anyone tell me how I am doing for my first grow?
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    horrid leaf spot!

    ok, thx guys....i found something on another forum that i didn't know. Someone said to take a piece of white paper and tap the leaves hard; then look at the paper. You can see mites very easy on white paper. So I did that and they are all over!
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    horrid leaf spot!

    ya thats the first thing i did...i can't see anything. I'm using one of those cheap round magnifying glasses, but still dont see anything.
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    horrid leaf spot!

    Sorry, but my camera kinda sucks i can't zoom close enough with my crappy camera. The spots are kinda small and all over. They are light green with small black spots (very small) with them. There is no pests and I have decent ventilation. I have tested the soil and water ph and it is usually...
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    Rust color spots "help"

    Hello? any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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    Need help!!Lower leafs are dieing, truning yellow and brown...

    Ok, well why dont a lot of other peoples plants leaves turn yellow? most of the plants i have ever seen dont even turn yellow during the flowering phase even with monster growing buds. they are beautiful throughout the whole life cycle. curl up or curl down?
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    Rust color spots "help"

    Ok, weird thing is: that description matches exactly what his and my plant are doing, but only thing different is his leaves are curling down. My older lower leaves are also turning yellow and drying up, but they are curling downward so much that the tips are almost touching the bottom part of...
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    SLow growing plant HElp

    You are still not answering his question. Yes all strains are different, but to take that long to grow its first set of leaves is wrong. Does not matter what strain it is. This is simple botany. All plants will grow faster with the right amount of light, water, and air. That doesn't matter...
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    Belladonna Smoke Report/Strain Review

    ok thx, which seed bank do you normally use? and how long does it normally take for you to receive your order? and for some reason i can't add stuff to my cart; it keeps saying its empty :(
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    Belladonna Smoke Report/Strain Review

    thx, and i'm guessing i should use mail order or something like that? i dont feel comfortable using a card linked to my name :)
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    Belladonna Smoke Report/Strain Review

    Anyone have any info on who does?
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    new grower needs floro advice

    type this into youtube: how to grow cannabis mr green awesome and kinda funny videos :)
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    food sticks?

    Have you found an answer for this one? Sometimes i'm on a very tight budget and can only afford those cheap food sticks instead of buying the good liquid stuff.
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    Is this plant over watered?

    Ya dude, you're a rarity :) most people overwater. you need to water it some more. your soil looks kinda broke down or poor quality. maybe the soil doesn't have good retention properties and is draining too fast. try investing in some rockwool cubes off the net (1" and 3") somewhere; they...