horrid leaf spot!


Active Member
Sorry, but my camera kinda sucks i can't zoom close enough with my crappy camera. The spots are kinda small and all over. They are light green with small black spots (very small) with them. There is no pests and I have decent ventilation. I have tested the soil and water ph and it is usually between 6 and 7. One thing is I dont have any money for fertilizer. I have not given it any fertilizer at all, but I still dont think that has anything to do with it looking that bad. How do i get rid of this problem?


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Active Member
ya thats the first thing i did...i can't see anything. I'm using one of those cheap round magnifying glasses, but still dont see anything.


Active Member
ok, thx guys....i found something on another forum that i didn't know. Someone said to take a piece of white paper and tap the leaves hard; then look at the paper. You can see mites very easy on white paper. So I did that and they are all over!


Well-Known Member
Use a soap solution at the very least. I am really getting to like the tobacco tea I've begun using.


Well-Known Member
Bummer...wicked case of the spider mites. Seamaden is correct, give them a good washing down with soapy water. Hit the top & bottom of leaves, stalks & all. Go outside & round up some lady bugs, or have your kids do it (they will think it's fun) - you'll find them on flowers or clover most any time. Three Ladybugs per plant will turn the tide of destruction, into a tide of spider mite carnage. Ladybugs love eating spider mites - much better than chemical poisons - that might not fully wash off - or might get absorbed into your buddage... Chemicals are Bad.....Ladybugs are G-o-o-d.....