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    yellowish color on older leaves

    this is my euforia auto, its 4 weeks old, i noticed some yellow spots and full yellow color on cotyledons and older leaves, is it maybe time to use my sensi cal mag max to fix that defiencesy? or what kind of action should i take before my plants goes wasted? last few days it was kinda chilly in...
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    My first tent grow

    they look lovely imo, have a nice flowering and harvest m8
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    autos transplant

    is it ok to transplant autoflower strains into bigger pots? i have my 2 autos in small 1L pot atm and i was wondering if it will be ok to transplant into 11L later when they are stronger (they are seedlings now) . my plants one photo and 2 autos are on 24/0 light mainly to maintain optimal temp...
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    xiaomi plant sensor

    anyone uses the xiaomi bluetooth plant sensor? i have a question related to battery life
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    grow nub needs ventilation advice

    both are inline fans, but intake is wider , no filter needed i live in the f@ckin nowhere lol
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    grow nub needs ventilation advice

    maybe that would be a good idea ,so passive intake but extra exhaust it is better than intake fresh air?
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    grow nub needs ventilation advice

    so im about to start a new grow soon and i tried to correct some issues i had on previous failed grow, i have placed an 120mm intake fan wich provides my 80-80-180 tent with fresh air from out side, my exhaust fan is 100mm though, and as i been told i need to see suction on my tents sides, in my...
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    Anti Stress Anti anxiety strain

    ive never tried neither of those strains, ive heard a lot about the anti anxiety properties of the strawberry cough. anyone that could give me a smoke report bout that or any other strain suitable to treat anxiety?
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    Anti Stress Anti anxiety strain

    I'm looking for a strain that can counter anxiety and uplift the mood for a prone to panic individual, I have heard about lots of high CBD strains but I would like an opinion from actual medical users for a specific Anti anxiety strain, ty in advance
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    can Cannabis cause schizophrenia?

    i suffer from psychosis and i found that thc most of the time triggers some psychotic symptoms, but it can lift my mood and sometimes relieve my anxiety, i think it is wise to keep the thc dose low and also use cbd oil along with vaping/consuming thc, i microdose cannabis the last year and had...
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    green dragon the slow way

    how much bud you use per jar of alcohol? edit: oki i get it now the quantity you are talking about is 28g..sorz my english is not that good..tyvm anyway
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    green dragon the slow way

    I want to make green dragon with my cannabis but the slow way( put buds in vodka and wait), but im not sure how much cannabis should ill add in a bottle of alcohol for example? i want to make it a bit strong so not to feel the alcohol much but the thc. also the herb must be trimmed all its ok to...