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  1. L

    Let's build a stoner playlist!

    thanks, all. keep em coming. if you have a bunch of songs, try to list 3-5 of your favorites. thanks! "The address wasn't understood". what song is this?
  2. L

    High Everybody! Simple newbie cooking question [quick fix?]

    ok, good to know. can i just use cooking oil and heat it in a skillet with the bud?
  3. L

    Let's build a stoner playlist!

    High everyone. General music buff here. I have been having fun with Spotify (a free music platform that has most music on it). Spotify is all about creating playlists. I was thinking everyone could chime in with songs they think are great to smoke to, or are about smoking, and I will put...
  4. L

    High Everybody! Simple newbie cooking question [quick fix?]

    I don't have the time to make butter, and bake items the way i'm supposed to. I have a g of some tasty goodness. I'm wondering if I can grind it up and stick it in 2-3 cookies? Like the cookies you buy as pre-made cookie dough, and then throw in the oven. Can I just mash the bud into the...