High Everybody! Simple newbie cooking question [quick fix?]

I don't have the time to make butter, and bake items the way i'm supposed to. I have a g of some tasty goodness. I'm wondering if I can grind it up and stick it in 2-3 cookies? Like the cookies you buy as pre-made cookie dough, and then throw in the oven. Can I just mash the bud into the cookie and bake it? i'm certain it would be better to do it the right way, but will this suffice for a buzz?

thanks for your assistance!


Well-Known Member
Yes as long as the thc comes in contact with oil and is heated for over 20 mins at 225 you will get the thc-oil to bind.


I would decarb the weed (this will enhance the flavor(nutty flavor) and boost the thc-cbn-cbd

.25 g = 1 cookie


Well-Known Member
ok, good to know. can i just use cooking oil and heat it in a skillet with the bud?
if you do it this way go low temps long cook time.. if you have the oil to hot it will literally fry the bud damaging the thc

I have taken oil added but in a small pryex dish tossed it in a toaster oven for 2 hours and it worked