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  1. N

    Please Help new clones look dead...HELP!

    Okay my friend told me due to it being hydroponics all the nutes are in the water are retained for a much shorter period of time than in soil. Maybe somebody reading this can advise a more suitable feeding regime? It would be of great help and needed :) For the time being I have flushed the...
  2. N

    Please Help new clones look dead...HELP!

    Ah shit....I am a first time grower and went on the advice of a friend on the nute amount. Ph is between 5-6 thats the best accuracy I can achieve atm. I have fed them once a day again on the advice of the same friend. Do you think I can save them by cutting around of the majority of the...
  3. N

    Please Help new clones look dead...HELP!

    Hi all, Ok so my clones are looking pretty f**king dead and I'm confused why. The clones were rooted and perfectly healthy before going in. Prior to the clones going in the whole system was ran for 24 hours with ph'd water. This was then drained and new water was put in with half strength...