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  1. B

    Now this post cheered my morning up, but you guys beat me to it. I have ordered from here many times with fantastic results and as for the freebies, well the last lot were better then the main seeds, something called super shiva, which ive never seen since or seen anywhere else. It was a sativa...
  2. B

    will my plant flower on 15/9 light cycle ?

    like he said, 12/12 is best but plants will start to flower around 13 hours but thats more or less your limit. Also I think your wasting your time with the CFLs, get an HID or the bery least an envirolite if your gonna go with CFLs. If you must use the lights you have I would stick with one...
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    Mylar or White Paint?

    yeah I started off with white paint till i could affors a decent reflctive material and quite honestly havent noticed any difference with the plant quality but it definitely looks brighter in the room.
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    plant food??

    like he said coz if the soil is partially nuted its usually good for about 3 to 4 weeks. I usually wait till the plants tell me theyre hungry by the leaves turning yellow and then start feeding the low strength nutes. Also ive heard mixed reviews about miracle grow more bad than good. I use an...
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    HPS or MH? VEG

    I use MH for veg and have also gone right thru with HPS, I swear by MH for veg after trying both as it makes the plant very short, thick and bushy and generally makes a better plant in my opinion. Using HPS right thru will make the plant a bit more stretchy and taller but still makes a good...
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    found a seed

    most of my girls are ready and looking good so I hacked a couple of skinny ones from the back to get a smoke. They were only small plants but they were pretty much ready so I chopped and dried them and found a single seed today while I was making a smoke. they are all female clones from my own...
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    timer problem

    nothing to do with the timer quality, it just needed a contacter, its sorted it now, the contacter stops the surge to the timer, i think alot of ppl get away with it coz of modern electric systems and trip switches anti surge built in etc,, mine is the old fashioned type with the big ole fuse...
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    ok, so light schedule got F$#%cked up

    ive had the same thing happen to me a few times, it took me ages to suss it out coz most ppl have no probs, you need a contactor to take the surge of the light from the timer, i can only put the fact that most ppl get away with it to modern fuse boxes as mine is the old fuse type and not trip...
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    timer problem

    found this now, seems to have sorted it for me now. ENVIROLITE 22amp 24 HOUR HD IP44 SPLASH PROOF TIMER on eBay, also Hydroponics, Plants Seeds Bulbs, Garden Plants, Home Garden (end time 25-Aug-08 10:33:20 BST)
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    timer problem

    i think ive sorted it now, apparently i need a Light Switching Timer Contactor to take the load off the timer. I ve never seen anyone mention them before so i just assumed i only needed a timer. Anyway I cant afford to have another timer malfunction so Im gonna get one and hoprfully this will...
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    timer problem

    light is 400 watt and timer supports 3000 watts, they seem to work for everyone else, im wondering if it could be a power surge problem of some kind, its really weird, it ruined my last crop coz they revegged
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    timer problem

    Ive been growing for a couple of years now and keep having the same problem. Ive tried 3 different timers so far and even used my mates that works for him but at my house after a week or two the timer sticks on and I have to reset it. I dont know if its an electrical surge or something but its...
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    First time aero help

    Im thinking of trying the amazon aeroponic system with al b fucts method of sog, putting rooted cuttings straight into the system to flower. I was wondering if anyone has any info of this system, if its any good and also which pot size to go for. I was thinking the 16 pot system, would this be...
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    timer malfunction

    my digi timer decided to stay permanently on the other day so i bought another one and the same shit happened after 2 days and Im 4 weeks into flower, what im asking is will this adversely affect my crop not theres much i can do now except go and buy a decent timer.
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    Flushing Question

    Do you still need to flush periodically with organic nutes to prevent a build up of ferts in the soil, I'm using biobizz grow and bloom. thanks
  16. B

    leaf curl

    thanks for reply, i'll move the lights up a bit. the other 6 plants are fine, its just the one and the temps are 70 to 75 under fan cooled metal halide 400 watt. im watering 3 to 4 days and pretty sure its not a water problem so i'll go with the light intensity and try moving it up a bit from 18...
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    leaf curl

    hi to the forum, my plants are doing ok but one of them has leaf curl on some of the bigger fan leaves. they are curling back on themselves like a canoe but downwards curl. The plant seems healthy apart from that and the new growth is ok but i'm just curious as to what this could be and if there...