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  1. W

    Second grow 4x4 Tent 600W 8 Plants WW and MK

    Hey papa i just googled isopropyl alcohol and found heaps, its even on ebay for pretty cheap so have a look on there.
  2. W

    Second grow 4x4 Tent 600W 8 Plants WW and MK

    Not too sure mate, i got mine from a mate :)
  3. W

    Second grow 4x4 Tent 600W 8 Plants WW and MK

    Hey dudes and dudettes, sorry for the late reply, i have been a little busy etc. I harvested about 80% of the tops at day 71 and left the lower half of plants in the tent for another 5 days and they have been in darkenss since. I have been harvesting the rest the last couple of days and i am...
  4. W

    Second grow 4x4 Tent 600W 8 Plants WW and MK

    Hey guys i will be doing an update sometime today or tomorrow hopefully. I chopped a bud off 2 days ago for testing purposes so will post pics, i got some macro's too :) Anyone know why the pics i posted up earlier in the thread are not showing up anymore? Peace!!
  5. W

    Second grow 4x4 Tent 600W 8 Plants WW and MK

    Next water i will drop nutes down to half strength maybe less then after that i will start my flush so id say just before the start of week 8. I think these will be ready sometime during week 9.
  6. W

    Second grow 4x4 Tent 600W 8 Plants WW and MK

    Sup Big! Yeah all white widow except 1 which is a master kush (the tallest one i think) i kinda got some labels mixed up! oops. How much longer do you all think she has to go? ive read mixed reports for harvest time with the White widow. Any yield guesses? PEACE!!
  7. W

    Second grow 4x4 Tent 600W 8 Plants WW and MK

    Well hi guys, sorry for the delay in updating. Here we are at day 47 or week 6.7 and things sure do look tasty! I think i am suffering from a cal/mg deficiency on a couple which i have started treating. I think they should make it to the end, what do you guys think? I fed yesterday with EC of...
  8. W

    Second grow 4x4 Tent 600W 8 Plants WW and MK

    yeah i will for sure sold!!
  9. W

    Second grow 4x4 Tent 600W 8 Plants WW and MK

    Are you using the rollitup app? I am getting the same issue on it. I did lollipop them a little already, I was thinking of doing it some more but not sure if its too late. Cheers for the suggestiin though!! I do not want to shock them to much ya know. Whats everyone else think? Peace out
  10. W

    Second grow 4x4 Tent 600W 8 Plants WW and MK

    Cheers Papapayne and young :) i cant wait! Hey all! So here we are at a little over 4 weeks since flipping to 12/12. Things are moving a long rather nicely although the weather is starting to heat up a little too much (i do not want to set up any air conditioning) but luckily still manageable...
  11. W

    Second grow 4x4 Tent 600W 8 Plants WW and MK

    Nice fir3dragon, Im using 4gal pots atm. Just watered my ladies and also removed one so i got a little bit more room now, idealy i should only have 6 in there atm due to flowering to late but ill see how 7 goes for now, its hard removing girls that you have cared for, for so long. Good luck...
  12. W

    Second grow 4x4 Tent 600W 8 Plants WW and MK

    Cheers ArCaned! I am a little worried its a bit to cramped in there but we'll see what happens ay :)
  13. W

    Second grow 4x4 Tent 600W 8 Plants WW and MK

    Hey guys and girls, windy here. Been a lurker for a while and finally desided to do a post on my grow. I mainly want your opinions on how it looks so far.. As the title says its a 4x4 tent with a 600w in a aircooled hood which is not hooked up to the ventilation yet (its winter here and is not...