Second grow 4x4 Tent 600W 8 Plants WW and MK


Well-Known Member
Drop the firt. Let them fade, don't sweat the leaves yelling. Cut a bud or so off every few days so you can see and try the results. I am a firm believer in harvest ing over a two week period all the buds do not finish at the same time start from the top as these will finish first. By cutting the top off redistributed the growth hormone just like pinching/topping/fim. Also your yield should go up by 10%~20% by harvesting like this my method is cut tops 4-day cut the buds that feel firm 5days cut more firm then cut the rest. It takes 3 days for the hormone flow to reroute. This method is also good for fighting bud mold problems if you have a heavy yielding plant with monster tops, by cutting them a few days earlier. your ww should be ok and I would not cut any thing till week 8 looks great. You will get 8-9 oz. Let them vedg a little bigger next run you will get more 10-12 ish. for the one week not vedge it's worth the wait

I still can't believe how often people go around saying this on this site. If we focus on keeping the leaves green in veg, why on earth would you knowingly let the plant go through a nute deficiency in flower? While yes, you shouldn't freak out if some leaves are going yellow in late flower, putting the plant through a deficiency is surely going to hurt your quality, your yield, and your potency. All to often I see people saying that exact line, and to often I see bright yellow plants. Just because a plant is flowering doesn't mean it stops needing the basic nutrients. To each their own, but personally I like my plants to stay healthy until the day I chop them.

keep em green,



Dropping firts around week 6 of flower ing let's the plant use up all the soil and will give you the smooth smoke. I know that if you push it to the end you will get a small increase in yield but you risk the plants having to high on a salt content. I use a supper soil is there is a lot of heat in it from the start and flushing it is not as easy as a more hydro soil mix


Pot is just a plant and like all plants your highest yield are not your sweetest. The best tomato isn't on the biggest plant the hottest pepper is on the plant that is grown in the hottest driest climate. Hydro growes the biggest best looking bud but not even close to the best. Every 20% + thc plant in all 2012 high Times cup started in supper soil


Well-Known Member
Dr. Tree is right you want the plants to use up all of its store nutrients. And I dont care what you say papa, it definitely makes a difference in taste. I have had hydro buds that were not flushed and they fuckin sparkled when burned for P still left in the buds


Active Member
Next water i will drop nutes down to half strength maybe less then after that i will start my flush so id say just before the start of week 8. I think these will be ready sometime during week 9.


Well-Known Member
Dr. Tree is right you want the plants to use up all of its store nutrients. And I dont care what you say papa, it definitely makes a difference in taste. I have had hydro buds that were not flushed and they fuckin sparkled when burned for P still left in the buds
Not flushing in hydro is completely different then what I was referring to. What I said is if your only at week 6 and you have a deficiency you fix it not let the plant keep trucking for another 3 weeks while suffering from a deficiency. But since your brought up you know anyone that grows hydro that would stop nutes at only 6 weeks into flower?

This is one of the most debated topics on RUI in my opinion. And to be honest, I simply don't get why. If you took a minute to look at his group shot, it was pretty clear some of the plants are nice and green, and the largest plants are distinctively not. No surprise its also the biggest plants that are likely using the most nutrients up that are yellowing. As with all topics on here, everyone has an opinion and everything thinks their right. Just my two cents worth.


Hydro is a hole different monkey. Ball to the wall all the way flush for the last week. Hydro might grow and look better but at the end it's just hydro. Week six for a dirt bagger using supper soil time to lay off. I use 1.5 c.f. of soil so there is a lot stored in it . the magic is in the mushrooms and not the one s you eat


Well-Known Member
No i would not cut nutes out completely in my grow at 6 weeks. And Im in organic soil. I do not use hydro but I definately do not know anyone that stops using nutes completely at week 6 in hydro. In soil I would start to drop the amount of nutrients at week 6 not cut them out completely. I do not cut them completely until the last 5 days.


Active Member
Hey guys i will be doing an update sometime today or tomorrow hopefully. I chopped a bud off 2 days ago for testing purposes so will post pics, i got some macro's too :)

Anyone know why the pics i posted up earlier in the thread are not showing up anymore?



Active Member
Hey dudes and dudettes, sorry for the late reply, i have been a little busy etc. I harvested about 80% of the tops at day 71 and left the lower half of plants in the tent for another 5 days and they have been in darkenss since. I have been harvesting the rest the last couple of days and i am totally getting over it hah, silly me thought it wasn't going to take that long. I spent about 10 hours on the first batch. Anyways i have some weights for you and a couple of pics so here goes.

Total wet weight of tops minus about a plants worth that i left on their was 550 grams, i left to dry for almost 6 days and then jarred. Dry weight once all stems were removed was 110 grams. I reckon i have about that much still drying and on the plants still. So all in all really stoked with everything.

I have been smoking some and the flavour is not quite their yet, kinda tastes like perfume/grassy. I experimented with making some qwiso yesterday using about 8g of trim and it turned out rather choice if i dont say so my self, for not having made any extracts before. I used 99.8% iso, It is apparently tech grade. I did another wash this morning with about 14g trim but that is still evaporating, the liquid has a nice golden tint to it so far :) here are those pics i mentions. I will try and get those macros edited and uploaded soon.



Well-Known Member
where do you get the iso alcohol from? I been looking for some but can't seem to find it.

Congrats on the successfull harvest, a bit of jar curring time will bring the flavors out :)


Active Member
Hey papa i just googled isopropyl alcohol and found heaps, its even on ebay for pretty cheap so have a look on there.