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  1. Bigol'Bong

    How to build a carbon scrubber for odor control

    how long does one of these last?
  2. Bigol'Bong

    Querkle N def?

    looks like ur plants are just shedding, during flowering plants often loose lower branches that dont receive enough light, usually starts happening once the bud sites start putting on pistel hair
  3. Bigol'Bong

    Is there a benfit to leaving plant whole while drying after harvest???

    leaving the leaves on just increases the drying time, some say it gives plants a litter extra time to build thc in the event of an early cut or something.
  4. Bigol'Bong

    Flushing..... I know I know.

    soil and hydro flush times are different, because the plant is in water you can change the water to stright tap or ro water and let the plant stay for about a week. with soil alot of the nutes will still be locked into the soil giving the plant a less drastic change when the flush happens, this...
  5. Bigol'Bong

    DWC Sea of Green

    have u personally tried growing like this? In the video see more buds u can see a garden simular to what im talking about. They had 3 different setups with the straight from clone to 12/12 dwc set up bringing in 5.5lb from a 4x8 area if i recall. the reason i wanted to cut out veg time is to...
  6. Bigol'Bong

    DWC Sea of Green

    looking into making a larger scale dwc cloner for lets say around 100 clones and flowering plants clones right into 12/12, going to be using a large large tote for it and those 2 inch neoprene disks to hold the clones in place. First of all can i put plants straight into 12/12 after cutting the...
  7. Bigol'Bong

    Low Budget First Grow--Need Feedback

    i can tell you already ur making way to many mistakes and going to far ahead for a novice, u deffinatly need more light, ive had success with cfl's but u just dont have enough to get any real bud from your grow
  8. Bigol'Bong

    Hole(with conditioned soil)vs Hole(without conditioning)

    so ive run into a bit of a problem, planted 7 of them in this patch near somewhat if a feild/swamp area, i planted them closer to a steam where the water was pretty high up in the soil, only a few inches down. dug up a small hole for each and planted with no extra soil just the stuff in the...
  9. Bigol'Bong

    Hole(with conditioned soil)vs Hole(without conditioning)

    its just off a soybean field
  10. Bigol'Bong

    Hole(with conditioned soil)vs Hole(without conditioning)

    My area is basically a lightly forested area that by the end of summer has a 7 foot tall floor canopy of many different kinda of plants, im growing the plants in an area where nothing tall grows but the soil is pretty dense with small plants roots. Should i try and remove these from the soil or...
  11. Bigol'Bong

    Hole(with conditioned soil)vs Hole(without conditioning)

    hmm sounds like your gonna be doing the same thing as me, i might add some munure into it for the extra bit of nutes. Not to sure about adding in the perlite because the soil really dosent need good drainage unless its very clay rich soil. The process of digging up the dirt and mixing it up with...
  12. Bigol'Bong

    Hole(with conditioned soil)vs Hole(without conditioning)

    Basically im trying to look for what the main difference is between the two, Conditioning being adding of a 100% mix or a mix of preexisting soil and you own mix of soil. Right now im just trying to gorilla plant about 60 plants in small patches of no more then 6-7. I have 6x 18 inch plants...
  13. Bigol'Bong

    When to go outdoor in Montreal

    im in southern ontario and im wondering the same thing, we are pretty close to each other. I was planning on putting plants outside the 4th week of april with this weather we are having lately. If you are starting with already decent sized plants u can go sometime around then too, if your...
  14. Bigol'Bong

    Outdoor Alaska Auto Grow(DNA 60 Day Wonder and Joint Doctors Purple Jem)

    id try and start indoors as much as possible, i grew with a friend last year, he put his seeds directly into the ground and got a meer fraction of what i got from my harvest with the same genetics, plus your plants stand a much better chance if they are already standing up straight with some...
  15. Bigol'Bong

    The real chocolate thai?

    idk man 1 crack over 100 seeds isnst usually seed genetics, ur probably doing something wrong, and there is no difference between seeds ment for indoor or outdoor, they will do better under the conditions they are made for, ie indoor plants can have problems with mold or rot outdoors because of...
  16. Bigol'Bong

    Cannabutter BUD vs Butter Ratio

    ive tired to make oil before but it didnt turn out well, cannaoil that is not honey oil., which would have been alot better. Im using about 3oz of trim to make my next batch of butter, probably gonna make about 3 sticks of butter worth
  17. Bigol'Bong

    Extra Potent Cannabutter!

    So ive got about 3 oz of trim leaves that i wanted to make into butter, im wondering as some of the leaves anrnt from the later stages of flower, some as early as the first week, would it be better to make a batch with all including the late and early leaves? If so how much should i put to make...
  18. Bigol'Bong

    Question about males in a DWC Rubbermaid

    no they usually dont die, male plants will eventually start growing outta the part u cut, its gonna be a long time but they will
  19. Bigol'Bong

    Whats the Difference?(Molassas)

    ive been using this stuff called Crosby's Family Cooking Molasses, and the ingredient is Cooking Molasses(sulphites). I assumed that ment that there was sulfur in it. Ive been using the stuff in every watering through out the flower stages and have seen very decent results. Thats why i was...
  20. Bigol'Bong

    Whats the Difference?(Molassas)

    ok so ive been using this sulfured molassas as apposed to the Un-sulfured that most people are using. Whats the difference to the plants? Im wondering because i dont know if i should get a different kind that is un sulfured, the stuff i have now is just stuff i picked up at my grocery store...