Question about males in a DWC Rubbermaid


Well-Known Member
Alright im not sure if this has been answered but I cant find anything on google nor on most grow guides about this. This is also my first time growing hydro

Ive got 3 plants growing in a 20L rubbermaid container, and threw them into flowering after vegging to about 12"

Now I see that 2 out of 3 are males. If I cut these 2 plants, what will happen to all the roots that have tangled into a massive rootball in the resevoir? Since 2/3 of the huge clump of roots belong to males, I can expect most of the roots to die, and then I will be left with what exactly? Should I change the res if it fills with dead roots, or is this not a problem?



Well-Known Member
no they usually dont die, male plants will eventually start growing outta the part u cut, its gonna be a long time but they will