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  1. xKhronic420x

    Beginner grower- Possible Nitrogen Deficiency?

    Yes I noticed that today when I was taking pictures, I since removed the effected buds. Sadly it was in 3 spots, I'm hoping I cut enough out, I was going to harvest next weekend.
  2. xKhronic420x

    Beginner grower- Possible Nitrogen Deficiency?

    Thanks for everyone's reply, I will start to feed them a little more and see what happens.
  3. xKhronic420x

    Beginner grower- Possible Nitrogen Deficiency?

    Hello, can anyone help identify what's going on with my plants. I've been following the fox farm feeding schedule, and recently the bottom leaves have been turning yellow. These are about 2 months old now. I started nutes about a month ago and I haven't flushed them yet. Any advice/help would be...
  4. xKhronic420x

    Anyone live in Brooklyn?

    i just moved to Brooklyn, hoping someone could help a friend in need of guidance. Thanks!
  5. xKhronic420x

    In need of some advice/pointers! *Pics*

    How can you tell the difference between under watered and over watered?
  6. xKhronic420x

    In need of some advice/pointers *Pics*
  7. xKhronic420x

    In need of some advice/pointers! *Pics*

    Im growing 4 plants total, Bubblelicious, Jack Herer, and 2 freebie seeds I got from Nirvana. They are 2 weeks old. Pot size is 2.4 L I believe, have them in Fox Farms Ocean Forest, and supplying them with additional nutes with a Soiltab that I got from Nirvana. The 2 unknown plants do not have...
  8. xKhronic420x

    Stealth Apartment Setup?

    They do a quick brief inspection, if my apartment doesnt smell like bud, and I silence the fan sound I should be fine
  9. xKhronic420x

    Stealth Apartment Setup?

    Ok so I recently changed schools and moved to a different location. The apartment I have now has to be inspected once a month, a very basic inspection that doesnt include opening any closet doors, drawers, etc. I was planning on doing a 1-2 plant small grow in my closet, but there are couple...
  10. xKhronic420x

    Nj growers!!!

    heres my story.. im a 18 year old kid i live with my parents and had to give up growing, ive resorted to buying and selling pot in order to make some money to buy for my own personal use. Only problem with that is I have to go through so many different middle men to get product and each of them...
  11. xKhronic420x

    Nirvana Shop Seeds question??

    Ok i just ordered 5 kaya gold seeds feminized from nirvana, I have a question on the actual package. I know your not suppose to discuss how they package it, but how big is the actual package? does it need to be signed for?? The reason i am asking this is because i am still living with my parents...
  12. xKhronic420x

    Stealth Drying?!? Suggestions?

    Ok i am just planing for my future grow, but i am going to be growing outdoors, i have everything i need, except for the drying stage... I am living at home and i cant hang my buds out in the open, i need to do it stealthy. I was looking around on the internet I came across a few things like...
  13. xKhronic420x

    Kaya Gold VS Swiss Cheese??

    i am torn between the 2 strains, i am unsure of which one to order. I have heard good things and bad things about both strains, and i dont wanna buy something spend months growing it, and having a shitty result. I want to know what everyone thinks about the 2. Also i cant buy thats out...
  14. xKhronic420x

    worm casting??

    here is what i am going to buy unless told otherwise
  15. xKhronic420x

    worm casting??

    next season i will be growing kaya gold outdoors, and plant them in worm casting soil, will i need to add any additional nutes to the plants?? i will be planting in the ground. the area that i am planting has grass and trees...if that helps with ur answer
  16. xKhronic420x

    quick question

    well im growing in the woods, so the ground isnt so great, i was thinking just laying down some soil and planting
  17. xKhronic420x

    quick question

    and if it helps im going to grow kaya gold
  18. xKhronic420x

    quick question

    ok im planning for next season and i was wondering.... if i plant my baby in the ground rather than a pot, do i still have to give her nutes and such or will she be able to obtain all the nutes she needs from the earth?? and if so what nutes are good for outdoor grows(online stores would be...
  19. xKhronic420x

    2009 late grow!! Pics

    ok well we almost 2 months in she is about 16 inches tall, planted end of july and been going on since. tell me what u think, and i am a noticing little brown spots could that be a nute problem?? how long do u think she's got, the first frost is comming up soon(end of october) and i am a little...