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    Should I feed my young plants

    I got a ph tester from lowes, seemed like it might not of worked because i didn't notice the needle move at all from its original spot, which was like at 7. the probelm could be like fungi or w/e cause i found two mushrooms in my plants so far, and since my soil is organic i noticed a couple of...
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    Should I feed my young plants

    My plants started having some health problems. Their growing in a dresser i carved out in my attic. Heat is a lil high. Slowly though all my plants are getting health problems. I can see problems in the leaves. Burnt tips, one is plant the leaves are curling up, red stems, brown spots...
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    mushrooms in plants

    Hey, first time grower. My plants so far had two mushrooms pop up from the soil. I was wondering what this exactly means, does have somethin to do with the air and humidity. I think this may be the reason the leaves on my plants are having health problems. Would organacide be good to get rid...
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    My babies need help

    I dont know if the plants need more nutrients or have too much of them. because its mg organic
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    My babies need help

    Hey, first time grower i'm using miracle grow organic soil and was wondering if the stuff is alright to use. My plants are having some health problems. Red stems, the bottom leaf on one turned yellowish orangish and curled up, some top leaves appear to have like lil veins or lines runnin in...
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    Pest problem, need help for plants

    I just planted my plants in the attic and i noticed lil red bugs like fire ants, i think their some type of mites they look like, i was wondering whats a good bug spray to get rid of them or other means to get rid of um
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    first timer, question on planting

    Is it ok if the taproot acidentally touches your finger a little while grabbing the shell to plant it? I'm worried i planted these good seeds but their not gonna grow cause i contaminated um. Need some opinions please.
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    first time, got some questions

    i already gotta bulb its fluroescent cool white 40watts i was gonna use two of those i think.
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    first time, got some questions

    gotta new box. a dresser that i'm gonna hallow out. it's about 15x48x30. i just gotta worry about heat now
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    question, need some help

    quick question for anybody. how many plants do you think i could grow with 18x18x42 inches room of space
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    question on which way to set up box

    Need help on which way to set up the box i got, which is pretty small. I want to get as much as possible of course. With the box upright its only about 20inches high and 1.5x3.5ft, its an old toy box. So i figure i can grow like maybe 4 plants but i'll have to save as much height as i can, by...
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    question on producing nodes and topping

    What i want to do is get as much as possible with the space and time i got. I read of plants being short and bushy so i was thinking thats the way i have to do it. If i turn the box on its side ill have room for about 2plants and itll be about 3.5ft high but my concern is with 12-14 weeks is...
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    first time, got some questions

    My thing is though I dont know if need height because im not sure if i have enough time for them to grow. About 14 weeks most. So i was thinking keepin them short, having lights on the sides to help lighting. Try to make them shorter and bushier. I mean if you know for sure if its better to...
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    question on producing nodes and topping

    I'm a first time grower. I hardly have any height in my box about only 20inches. So i want to keep it short, but yield as much as possible. I read of topping the plant to keep it short. I was also wondering how to form more nodes, if topping does this? and if more nodes will make more bud to...
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    first time, got some questions

    Thanks for the idea of putting the box on its side, i never even thought of that but id rather not. With the limited space I have i wanted to use the smallest pot possible to grow my plants in, since the pot doesn't have to big cause my plant wont be tall. So with about 20inches high, right...
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    first time, need help

    First time grower, wanna do it right. Most of the stuff I learned on how to grow was from the internet. I would like to yield as much as possible so im takin this serious, but i got some questions it bein my first time. My box is only about 20inches high and 1.5ft x 3.5ft. I also have about 11...
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    first time, got some questions

    First time grower, wanna do it right. Most of the stuff I learned on how to grow was from the internet. I would like to yield as much as possible so im takin this serious, but i got some questions it bein my first time. My box is only about 20inches high and 1.5ft x 3.5ft. I also have about 11...