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  1. organicman007

    Carbon filter odor control question

    Yeah man It would double the filtering while taking care of those danky odors. Make sure theres no air leaks
  2. organicman007

    min/max humidity

    Well really it all depends on what stage of growth your plants are at. Clones need a rather high humidity level towards 90%, but Flowering plants need lower levels if they stay high for too long pest can become a big problem.
  3. organicman007

    are theese good seeds

    Ive heard really good things about Dr. Chronic seeds, the seeds get to you in about 5 to 6 days. Good prices too
  4. organicman007

    Pix from my latest grow

    Looking good mayne
  5. organicman007

    Stem looks like someone pinched it now the plants drooping

    Looks like their going for some light, put some more soil with them.
  6. organicman007

    My First Setup...

    You'll need a stronger light when ever the plants get bigger. They like plenty of fresh air!! Good luck
  7. organicman007

    A Boost?

    Look up some nutrients and find the best that suit your needs. Look for some that help develop branching and than get some heavy in P-K for harvest. Try to find some way to add some Co2.
  8. organicman007

    Question about prunning

    If there big enough you can try to remove the bottom leaves, for better air circulation.
  9. organicman007

    Pics of my grow, any suggestions appreciated

    Yeah put a fan blowing on them from a window, get'em some fresh air. You can also try mixing water,sugar, and yeast Ive been told this works as well.
  10. organicman007

    Tips on preparing the soil outdoors

    If it was me I would want to space them a good couple feet apart not in any certain pattern. You have to think about how big you wants your females, one or two hear than one hear dont do rows. Good luck
  11. organicman007

    Pics of my grow, any suggestions appreciated

    I dont really see and signs of sex, it depends on the light cycle that you have your babys on. I would switch to the 400 when you get it and Co2.