Pics of my grow, any suggestions appreciated

tommy gibbs

Well-Known Member
This is my first grow, and it is going pretty well as far as im concerned so far. I have a few questions, from these pics, are there any signs of sex, I dont see any, but my eye isn't trained well. Also, i am using 3 cfl's on the one plant i have, will this be enough to flower the plant effectively, im not trying to purchase anything else, though i do have a 1 400 watt hps bulb being shipped to me. Also, how far into flowering will buds start to appear? Thanks for the time and help.

Also, I overwatered the plant about 5 days ago, and have been letting it dry out since, it is still wilted a little, should it perk up nicely before i water it again?



Active Member
I dont really see and signs of sex, it depends on the light cycle that you have your babys on. I would switch to the 400 when you get it and Co2.

tommy gibbs

Well-Known Member
how do you recommend i co2? ive heard of the baking soda and vinegar thing, but other than that im kinda lost in that area. would sitting the set up by an open window on nice days help with the co2? thanks


Active Member
Yeah put a fan blowing on them from a window, get'em some fresh air. You can also try mixing water,sugar, and yeast Ive been told this works as well.