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  1. M

    1st harvest. PICS Purple haze and white widowxogkush LED+CFL grow

    You can tell the widow/kush has the red hairs. The haze is the lighter colored bud.
  2. M

    1st harvest. PICS Purple haze and white widowxogkush LED+CFL grow

    Blackstart 240watt led and CFL's for side lighting. 450 watts total. 5 gallon smartpots and fortified soil+chemical nutes. Topped to make 4 colas. As you can see I diddnt thin out the bushiness or do lst and as a result i had tons of popcorn buds. Im a rookie give me a break. I ran into nitrogen...
  3. M

    Odour Control

    Yes its necessary. Even with 2 plants they would fill my apartment with that lovely odor. Install it inside the tent and have the fan suck air through it creating negative air pressure so it sucks the sides of the tent in not letting any smell escape. Careful with the fan it can be noisy. Some...
  4. M

    Bud porn! And questions about first harvest.

    Tell me what you think. Close to harvest. Im thinking about pulling the kush/widow next week. Its showing about 10-20% amber tricomes and its week 8 of flower going on week 9. The Haze im not sure about. Its really frosty but very little amber on it. Will i sacrifice potency? I don't want...
  5. M

    Blackstar 240watt LED+CFL. Purple Haze and white widow-ogkush. 12/12 starts tomorrow.

    Close to harvest. Im thinking about pulling the kush/widow next week. Its showing about 10-20% amber tricomes and its week 8 of flower going on week 9. The Haze im not sure about. Its really frosty but very little amber on it. Will i sacrifice potency? I don't want couch lock weed thats for sure.
  6. M

    I don't know why my leaft keep dying off.

    Use Dolomite lime in your soil and never worry about PH. Im 2 weeks from harvest and never PH'ed my water even once. Its tested at ph 8 out of my tap. I also water with chlorinated tap know like people use in their gardens outside. My grow has not suffered at all and my ladies are...
  7. M

    Sex after Childbirth

    I approve this thread.
  8. M

    Do you still have to use perlite in smart pots?

    Mine has some perlite. I like the smartpots because their hard to overwater. Mine are in the 3rd week of flower and im giving them 1 gallon of water(5 gallon pots) every 2 days. They dry out quick. I went away for 3 days and when i came back one was looking droopy and almost dead. Pot was light...
  9. M

    Should I smoke tomorrow?

    I always get high before any medical procedure. Flu shots, doctor visits, broken bones. lol. Just use a vaporizer so you dont reek like weed in front of the doc.
  10. M

    Prolonged sleep and tiredness after smoking marijuana?

    I blaze every night before bedtime. Its the only time i smoke on weekdays. I get 7 hours of sleep per night and wake up slightly groggy, but after 10 minutes of moving around i feel great. My quality of sleep is 10x better on weed than off. In fact thats the only way i can cope with a sleep debt...
  11. M

    Seedling health check at 6 weeks

    Dude check out my grow. That is 6 weeks growth. Started in solo cups and transplanted into 5 gallon smartpots at 2 weeks. Just start over in solo cups. Use a 16oz solo cup and water 6-8 oz's every 2-3 days...
  12. M

    Blackstar 240watt LED+CFL. Purple Haze and white widow-ogkush. 12/12 starts tomorrow.

    Holy crap i might have vegged too long. Both plants are quickly filling up my 4x2 grow tent! I might have to remove my side lighting by next week if this keeps up.
  13. M

    PHing organics?

    You guys are making this too complicated for him. Put some dolomite lime in your soil. 2tbsp per gallon. It controls ph fluctuations. No need to PH your water for soil. The lime does all the work. I water with straight tap water(ph 8 ) which according to you guys would be terrible for my...
  14. M

    plants growing slow

    water 2x per day is WAY TOO MUCH WATER. I had my seedlings in 16oz solo cups and i was watering them with 6-8oz of water every 2-3 days! They grew like a motherfukka and i had to transplant in 2 weeks due to them being rootbound. Overwatering kills seedlings. Stop looking for excuses like ph...
  15. M

    2nd grow. White Widow x og kush and G13 Purple Haze

    I moved this to the LED forum. 2nd week of 12/12 underway. Already seeing pretty white hairs!
  16. M

    Blackstar 240watt LED+CFL. Purple Haze and white widow-ogkush. 12/12 starts tomorrow.

    First week of 12/12. Kush/white widow on the left. Haze on the right.