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  1. S

    nah... in LA

    nah... in LA
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    Much too much N ...

    Dude... autoflower = seed grow. Those are just different pheno types. They're not going to react the same cuz they're not the same. Just to make sure, it is a seed grow right?
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    Los Angeles Cannabis Cup was a let down

    Fuck Frisco... ya homos. ya homos capital.
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    Kens GrandDaddy Purp seeds!

    pm sent....................
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    Cloning in a Cup of Water

    kinda droopy.. may i suggest using nothing but plain tap water..
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    cuttings will stay alive in a ziplock bag for days with couple drops of water for moisture. before moving the cuttings into cubes to be rooted the cuttings are put in a cup of water. also the idea was to get rid of air in the stem by letting the cuttings do their photosynthesis and suck up water...
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    seedling develping yellowing on leaves

    why do you keep adding sulfur when you don't know what it does?? it lowers the ph of your soil. seems to me your seedling has nute burn from all that stuff you added. could be deficiency if it's yellow but i highly highly doubt that cuz you put bone and blood meal. ffof is hot soil. some...
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    Seedling Leaves Yellowing... Please help!

    ph ur water to 6.3
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    Seedling Leaves Yellowing... Please help!

    Yo... i think it's nute burn from the hot soil. notice the tip of the leaves look burnt light brown. if it's gray then it's deficiency. think the soil might be hot. but im pretty sure it's nute burn. its on the tip of your cotyledons also. don't know what to tell ya. next time transplant it...
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    Roots Organics soil PH

    what learning curve?? you need to learn how to listen. what do you even know about ph of soil and dolomite lime??? let me be quick to judge and say you don't know jack didilly squat. learning curve?? your plants are probably stuck on the bottle feed. do you even know what you're really...
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    Roots Organics Soil and nutrient lockout

    Hello there fellow rainbox mix turn it to tea user. good stuff man. As you and i should know... they're missing out. remember... well actually i've been told to make it 1 part tea to 5 part water... but i just make it 1 cup of tea per gal.
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    pH, dolomite lime, and CoCo

    - rep for you buddy. Liquid Karma~ you call that an advice. i don't think you know what dolomite lime does. it's a ph stablizer. i wouldn't do a grow w/o unless im doing hydro.
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    Can I run a 600w and a 400 watt.......

    i think people run two 600watters
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    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    na... i don't think there's death penalty in korea. maybe in the communist north but not for bud.:hump: it's something like a year or so for having it in your system. and like 3-6 years for a grow. maybe less for good behavior. "yea yea... make sure its clean back there. i had curry last...
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    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    hey j.. ic alot foos be comin on this site as strangers askin for bud in korea. don't do it man. jus keep it to ur close friends and there close friends. and don't let em know ya b doin that. say u got a connect out in shi-gol... no need to fuck with a possible snitch online. b safe.
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    Issues with the Organics, PIX

    i really think ur also not giving them plenty of water and the soil might also be drying up quick. plants not getting enuff water. seriously try water only for a week or so. no nutes. u can't saved the leaves that went bad already but that don't mean u should pluck em or cut em untill they are...
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    Issues with the Organics, PIX

    i really think ur also not giving them plenty of water and the sold might also be drying up quick. plants not getting enuff water. seriously try water only for a week or so. no nutes.
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    Issues with the Organics, PIX

    i think it's nute burn and nute lock. so i say water, 1 tsp/gal of mollasses, and 1tsp/gal of seaweed extract. that's it for a week... that's if it is burns. and i think u might need to give them more water. they burnin up.
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    Issues with the Organics, PIX

    i say it's nute burn... stop feeding so much nutes. maybe it got nute lock and burn. water only for a week... if the tip of the new growth is burnt then it's nute burn if there's like yellowing with no looks of damages to the leaves then u need to feed it. im thinkin it got so much food that...
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    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    ma bad..................................