Much too much N ...


Active Member
Hello people, i tried an organic dirt run this time with some autoflowers, i seem to have applied too much worm humus and or fish / blood / bonemeal into this girls pot.
she is now around 6 weeks old and really lagging behind in terms of flowering, she dosen't look too bad but in comparison to my other girls is really behind and slugging along.
I have fed nothing but ph'ed water (6.5) from the start and still the leaves are really dark green and not changing.. is there anything i can do?
I attached a photo of a girl doing fine, at the same age on the right track.


Ursus marijanus
Why post a photo of the healthy one? Would there not be more teaching value in showing the sluggard? Jmo. cn


Ursus marijanus
Oh ... I get it now.
Unfortunately I have no advice for this grow ... looks almost finished. You might still get top-notch bud however ... do not despair. cn


Well-Known Member
I find that it tends to happen to my indica in my 12/12 from seed grow, that is because they dont get big enough for the amount of SS and they stay lush green until harvest... I find the buds to be great to smoke anyway, I dont think it makes much of a difference in organic soil grow.

One thing you might want to try and I will be experimenting in the future with this (I have tried recently for the first time) is that if you want the fade to occur, you have to be fairly confident what the harvest date should be and you basically let the soil dry, once the soil will be fully dried, it will start using the fan leaves for food ... then hopefully all the fan leaves will be yellow and all the trichs milky/amber.

Good luck

EDIT It took me over 10 days to dry the container enough that the leaves started turning yellow. hopefully someone else can confirm that my way is ok :eyesmoke:


Active Member
I find that it tends to happen to my indica in my 12/12 from seed grow, that is because they dont get big enough for the amount of SS and they stay lush green until harvest... I find the buds to be great to smoke anyway, I dont think it makes much of a difference in organic soil grow.

One thing you might want to try and I will be experimenting in the future with this (I have tried recently for the first time) is that if you want the fade to occur, you have to be fairly confident what the harvest date should be and you basically let the soil dry, once the soil will be fully dried, it will start using the fan leaves for food ... then hopefully all the fan leaves will be yellow and all the trichs milky/amber.

Good luck

EDIT It took me over 10 days to dry the container enough that the leaves started turning yellow. hopefully someone else can confirm that my way is ok :eyesmoke:
Thank you for the input.
I was thinking the same thing as they arn't chemical nutrients involved in the grow and it should'nt matter as much. But with chemicals you have the option to flush them out. I guess over ferting the soil is a much harder task in reducing the N level in there now, i shall leave her be and let her finish up.

My idea this grow was to keep the leaves nice and healthy up to harvest. Only now are the lower leaves starting to yellow slightly on my better plants which is absolutley normal, no sign of that with this girl though.

I guess it was my mistake going too heavy on the amendments with her and shall have to be careful with how much i add in future.
The pistils are starting to change colour now but my other plants are nearly ready so it shows just how far behind she is.

Thanks again.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I find it rather bizarre that you are concerned about your leaves still being healthy.

Are tose both from the same mother?


Active Member
Some of mine just won't ever turn colors, dark green to the end, it happens, and I find often these are the bigger yielding ones. It's all in the cure, green to the end is good if not better, meaning a sign of a nice healthy vigorous plant.


Active Member
The fact i have fan leaves nearly 100 % in-tact is great... that's what i set out for. The 1st picture being the prime example. Normally by this stage i would have lost all of them and be left on small / bud leaf.
It's the plant i am asking about being too heavily fed that's worrying me, does she not look behind the other one to you guys? Just going so slow, but then again is still frosting up pretty well.
Here is another shot taken just now, you can see how over-fed she is..
@ tip top toker, i'm growing autoflowers.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't look over fed, looks healthy to me. They are both different seeds so they have different genetics even though they are the same strain. One could simply take longer to finish than the other. Happens all the time when growing from seed.


Active Member
Dude... autoflower = seed grow.
Those are just different pheno types. They're not going to react the same cuz they're not the same.
Just to make sure, it is a seed grow right?


Active Member
Thank you guys, sure is reasurring. I know the are different pheno's especially when working with autoflowers it can be a pick or mix with them from previous experience. They are all from seed. I have a tendancy to worry if i see any slight difference in the way my plants grow, it seems that could be the case with this one. :lol::lol::lol:
But from the start i noticed how much darker this girl was and i think has still played a role in the way the buds have turned out.
A few days from when i made the 1st post and she has made some good progress! i took some better photo's for you guys, i attatched one of the other girl i posted (last pic) just for comparison.
thanks again.