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  1. breadbox

    weird issue I've never seen in 7 years of growing..

    So.. of all my plants.. all 15 of them.. this one took an extra 4 weeks to sprout (idk why I kept it.. I just kept it aside and made sure it stayed moist) anyway.. I'm using peat moss soil mix.. of course I added all the essentials.. nitrogen.. phosphorus. Lime.. micros and macros.. worm shit...
  2. breadbox

    just a small grow but wtf??

    So what's going on with the plants in the pictures? ? I'm flowering the bigger ones..
  3. breadbox

    just a small grow but wtf??

    I have no idea what happened. . Gave it a liter of water per day. Gave nitrogen for the first time after 2 months of water only... then this 3 days later?? I flushed it a day ago..
  4. breadbox

    Lower Leaves Yellow, Brown Leaf Tips

    Sorry.. its nitrogen burn buddy.. i just did this to one of my 30 day olds and the botton two sets turned yellow overnight and burnt today because 3 days ago i gave em too much blood meal... which is 12% nitrogen.. flush it and youll be fine
  5. breadbox

    Lower Leaves Yellow, Brown Leaf Tips

    Its botrogen
  6. breadbox

    Holes in leaves / yellowing + curling of leaves

    Just updating people..
  7. breadbox

    Holes in leaves / yellowing + curling of leaves

    Doesnt sound like thry needed nutes... what your describing usually happens when they hace too much already
  8. breadbox

    Holes in leaves / yellowing + curling of leaves

    Lolol iv never seen it.. what if the buds are rainbow colored? :P
  9. breadbox

    to remind us all.. our plants are alive.. check out movement in a 2 hour period

    Idk why my plants droop outside anf then perk up inside but look. 2 hours later and they all rise... aint it cool how alive they are?? A person could literally sit and watch it move..
  10. breadbox

    Holes in leaves / yellowing + curling of leaves

    You ever see a leaf split in two and grow? Like a Siamese twin?
  11. breadbox


    In my years of growing iv never seen a leaf do this... take a good look, the leaf isnt split or cut.. it grew into two seperate leaves...
  12. breadbox

    sick plant everyone tells me its fine

    Pls help lol
  13. breadbox

    Holes in leaves / yellowing + curling of leaves

    Yeah i know... i just havent invested in a meter yet -_- i know its VERY important... what nutes do u think.they are locking out??
  14. breadbox

    Holes in leaves / yellowing + curling of leaves

    Temps are 68-75 i keep em outside during the day... highest inside the box at night is 80.. idk the ph..
  15. breadbox

    Holes in leaves / yellowing + curling of leaves

    Any idea what this is?? Twisting and crispy
  16. breadbox


    Help me out on this.... i have no idea whats going on.. i transplanted from a solo cup hoping it would fix it but the leaves still are crispy and twisting
  17. breadbox

    Holes in leaves / yellowing + curling of leaves

    Dont be jealous thats i have definition and you dont nig... why dont you post something useful or contribute by posting pics of your grow.. thats why i started the thread
  18. breadbox

    Holes in leaves / yellowing + curling of leaves

    I collect rainwater. . How do you obtain well water??