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  1. G

    RE-vegging my Hijack

    thats considered weed? where are you from? o_O
  2. G

    First Grow(pics)

    nice setup gl on ur grow!
  3. G

    DIY 4oz. minimum yield grow box

    thats fuckin legit man. :]
  4. G

    My new grow room build step by step(pics)

    lookin quite lovely so far.. i wish i had the resources [flow] to do something like that..
  5. G

    My First Grow Help Needed

    zips out in ca are ranging from 345 - 450 for medicinal grade mary..
  6. G

    Help with a micro growbox

    what are you doing about the smell factor? i was wanting to start almost an IDENTICAL project so this thread has been great info for me aswell lol. goodluck man
  7. G

    starting a 1 plant box

    hey i'm planning on making a 3X1.5 little grow box in my attic, i was thinking about 2 CFL's pushing like 3200 lumens, and maybe a computer fan or two pushing heat since summers just around the corner and i live in orange county so we tend to get some hot ones. also there's already a nice flap...
  8. G

    No Exhaust/Intake for Dark Period - Dehumidifer Only

    no wai! pops always told me it builds character!
  9. G

    New Grow Room Pictures, almost done!!!

    thats gonna be fuckin epic