water it good and then let it dry out then water again and so on if you have good drainage and air movement you have nothing to worry about don't cause any more stress to you plant then can be avoided
might want a resistor and a pot to dim lights since your getting the b version driver some wire nuts wago connectors or something. a plug end for driver and im not sure but I think the heat sinks have the holes drilled and taped in metric not the 4-40 screws
auto keep on growing no need to go to flower mode they need all the light they can get they generlay flower in 60 days or so that's why I say do not list and that's from seed 2 of those lights would not equal a 400 watt 3 probley would be closer if you have a reg seed and not a auto then yes...
could you build a box around window on the inside paint it black so from outside it looks like dark attic make box thicker then exhaust tube cut hole in it at bottom of box side put tube in seal it with calk ,foam,tape to keep light from escaping do the same at the top side of box for the heat tube
I cant remember im thinking in less then two weeks they should start popping open but not 100% sure plus mine was a male plant maybe a little different with a cross male
no if you want to dim with a potentiometer you need the b version the a is straight power I did not know about the d version I have to read about that some time
yes the b version is for dimming that's the only difference I figured it was a typo I just mention heat sink so you don't plan on one driver and then order the wrong one and don't have enough to keep cobs cool
your cob set up should be ok next there 3590 not 3597 ether driver would work but the 320 your not using a lot of its power,but latter you could always add more cobs if you want just make sure you get the b version for dimming and the correct heat sink
if it was me I would rise the roots of under the sink soak the with 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide to 1 gal of water for a few minutes then put them in soil and water them and forget about that dwc before it to late you might be there now?