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  1. Sunny77


    50 a 1/4 for mids here 60-70 for bomb
  2. Sunny77

    Ice truely in flower!

    nice looking girl you got there, well done sir. happy smoking when she's finished. :joint:
  3. Sunny77

    Free Grow Videos

    Ya I know what you mean, i just watched some that aussie guy's vids.
  4. Sunny77

    Trance / New Agey music... anyone else like it?

    I'm def not the biggest tiesto fan, but i must admit "just be" is a great song
  5. Sunny77

    your opinion on miracle grow for outdoor

    they say its not bad, but def not the best.
  6. Sunny77

    I've got a male and I'm going to smoke it but

    hahahaha korvette you've been priceless in this thread!!!
  7. Sunny77

    Damn Weather........

    Just keep your head up, bad weahter happens sometimes and there is nothing we can do about it. Weed is a tough plant and the sun will come back out soon and your plants will bounce back!
  8. Sunny77

    A List of plants that look like Marijuana

    Thank God for the Cleome! helps keep the mj plants safer
  9. Sunny77

    How they look?

    they look good to me for 2 weeks old
  10. Sunny77

    best grow video!

    Thanks for posting these vids, I already watched a couple of them.
  11. Sunny77

    Trance / New Agey music... anyone else like it?

    above and beyond is great... if you want a good streaming trance site, check out Digitally Imported - #1 Electronic Dance Radio music destination
  12. Sunny77

    Help! Plant Found in my Backyard!

    haha good stuff hopefully it turns out to be a girl :mrgreen:
  13. Sunny77

    buds from getting wet?

    flick those buggers off paddy!!
  14. Sunny77

    My Buddy snapped my plant....

    your friend is a total piece of work
  15. Sunny77

    Do fertilizers/nutes have to be used?

    The plants are a 2 hour drive away, so yes getting to them is a factor. They will still be checked on a few times, and won't just be forgotten about. - At first I was thinking to add organic grow during veg, and to add organic bloom during flower. But then i'm taking a risk of adding to...
  16. Sunny77

    Do fertilizers/nutes have to be used?

    We dug holes 3x3x3 and filled them half up with pro-mix bx, and the other half with the existing forrest soil, then mixed them both together. so these plants will be getting this. - sun - water - forrest soil - pro mix bx
  17. Sunny77

    Trance / New Agey music... anyone else like it?

    Love trance. menno de jong, duderstadt, avb, markus schulz, ferry corsten, plus many many more. Pretty much any trance that to me sounds good I like.
  18. Sunny77

    buds from getting wet?

    I read about this in one of fdd's long threads yesterday, and in regard to rain wrecking buds he said "BULLSHIT" lol
  19. Sunny77

    Do fertilizers/nutes have to be used?

    I know that using ferts/nutes will make for a bigger faster growing plant. But do you have to use them? Wouldn't the plant be fine like all the other plants in the forrest, or do weed plants suffer without fertz/nutes? -thx
  20. Sunny77

    TIPS for everyones 08 grow

    Great tips! Especially tip #1. Thanks -Sunny