TIPS for everyones 08 grow

Hong Chong

Active Member
Aight so I'm gonna start some tips which will hopefully benefit somebody who reads this. If anyone has any tips lets have em..
Most of my tips apply to growing in a forest or bush area.

1) When inspecting your grow site, check out what kind of bugs are on the ground and in the trees. look at all the surrounding plantation and note how healthy it is and how much leaf has been eatin by bugs.

2)If you see slugs, dont jsut hope that they wont find your plants, because they will. They will leave nasty slug juice all over whatever they havent already eaten... spend the money on some slug'll be glad you did.

3) set little mudtraps and watch for shoe prints that arent yours, make little gates with branches so if anyone tries to walk past they must remove the branches..its important to know your the only one out there.

4) dont walk in and out with supplies. Bring all your supplies in at one time and bury them or hide them well into some shrubbery.

5)make sure you know your way around the forest or area of trees and bush, the police wont know every little trap, tree stump and hiding spot so hopefully you will. If your a decent runner, you should be able to outrun the police anyway, use your surroundings to your advantage, this is your grow area, not theirs.

Thats all i can think for now, anyone want to add on jsut giver :)


Active Member
Thanks bro..for reminder..I`m on my way to my site,to put some extra slug poison,it was rainy for two days,so them bastards might became too hungry..
Guerilla tactics for some serious harvest.

Hong Chong

Active Member
Heres a last resort tip if you grow outside on your property (backyard or roof), or even in your home.
Keep a gas can and a lighter or some matches close to your plants in case you ever hear "POLICE! SEARCH WARRANT!" that way you can set your crop on fire as the police break your door down. The plants will be gone leaving nothing to arrest you for and you tell them faulty wiring started a fire 5 minutes before they broke your door down..the cops cant put it out so there gonna have to wait an extra 2 minutes for the fire dept. to arrive. Maybe this sounds like a stupid plan to some people..I would never do this since I live in canada but if you live in the US and dont want to take a bullshit cultivation charge and spend the next few years in jail, this may be an option for you.


Well-Known Member
An Add Arson To The Charges ??? No Thanks..

LoL thats the way to stay out of jail, right? If they are coming in with the search warrant you are caught already. Instead of lighting things on fire, I hope you have an escape route. To get the fuck up out of there, pass the cops and never come back again.


Well-Known Member
Aight so I'm gonna start some tips which will hopefully benefit somebody who reads this. If anyone has any tips lets have em..
Most of my tips apply to growing in a forest or bush area.

1) When inspecting your grow site, check out what kind of bugs are on the ground and in the trees. look at all the surrounding plantation and note how healthy it is and how much leaf has been eatin by bugs.

2)If you see slugs, dont jsut hope that they wont find your plants, because they will. They will leave nasty slug juice all over whatever they havent already eaten... spend the money on some slug'll be glad you did.

3) set little mudtraps and watch for shoe prints that arent yours, make little gates with branches so if anyone tries to walk past they must remove the branches..its important to know your the only one out there.

4) dont walk in and out with supplies. Bring all your supplies in at one time and bury them or hide them well into some shrubbery.

5)make sure you know your way around the forest or area of trees and bush, the police wont know every little trap, tree stump and hiding spot so hopefully you will. If your a decent runner, you should be able to outrun the police anyway, use your surroundings to your advantage, this is your grow area, not theirs.

Thats all i can think for now, anyone want to add on jsut giver :)
Hong Chong, good tips on the first 5. I only do indoors currently, I would love to do something outdoors, but the get ready list is to long compared to the short list of how it can be fucked. And aside from that, I don't have the land nor live by the land. One day, to the country we move.

Hong Chong

Active Member
A fire started accidentally in your own house, thats not arson, unless your gonna tell them why you did it...
and lets say the cops have a warrant but you harvested the day before they came and you moved it all.. are they still gonna charge you then? and what for? jsut cause they ahve a search warrant doesnt mean anythin, it means they can search your house, then they gotta find somethin to charge you with.

and yeah its easier to get fucked outdoors but theres jsut somethin nice about bein outdoors with the plants


Well-Known Member
A fire started accidentally in your own house, thats not arson, unless your gonna tell them why you did it...
and lets say the cops have a warrant but you harvested the day before they came and you moved it all.. are they still gonna charge you then? and what for? jsut cause they ahve a search warrant doesnt mean anythin, it means they can search your house, then they gotta find somethin to charge you with.

and yeah its easier to get fucked outdoors but theres jsut somethin nice about bein outdoors with the plants
Well the fire department determines arson. The cops would probably say get out the house and watch it burn with you from outside. And with what you said about harvest of course. Thats why even if you get a scare a move is the best thing. I just went through a move and I didn't even get a scare. I will be closing my other spot soon and continuing in a new one. Outdoors is great I agree, I wish I lived more in the country and I would be outdoors right now.


Well-Known Member
Heres a last resort tip if you grow outside on your property (backyard or roof), or even in your home.
Keep a gas can and a lighter or some matches close to your plants in case you ever hear "POLICE! SEARCH WARRANT!" that way you can set your crop on fire as the police break your door down. The plants will be gone leaving nothing to arrest you for and you tell them faulty wiring started a fire 5 minutes before they broke your door down..the cops cant put it out so there gonna have to wait an extra 2 minutes for the fire dept. to arrive. Maybe this sounds like a stupid plan to some people..I would never do this since I live in canada but if you live in the US and dont want to take a bullshit cultivation charge and spend the next few years in jail, this may be an option for you.
If the cops come in and smell the gas and see you with the lighter they are going to think you are a murder/suicide case and might be trying to burn the cops up too. You might get shot before you can light anything. It won't take much gas to burn the house down, much less the plants.

Hong Chong

Active Member
i dn man the way im thinkin about it, only the grow room would be destroyed, if police are there theyd call fire dept. and get everyone outside and fire dept would be there within 2-4 mins. i jsut put that in here for anyone with commercial grow that would rather go through that trouble than the trouble of court and a harsh US sentence, its one of those ideas that sounds stupid to some but possible to others haha


Well-Known Member
later in the year look for any of those damn deer camras thay strap on trees i know a budy whos got one in his room after last years grow if you dont see them thay might see you


Well-Known Member
That whole idea about keeping a gas can and a lighter near your grow is just absolutely rediculous!!! im not even going to explain why. next youll be telling someone to light there car on fire if you have some weed in the car and you are getting pulled over..lmao!!!!


Well-Known Member
That whole idea about keeping a gas can and a lighter near your grow is just absolutely rediculous!!! im not even going to explain why. next youll be telling someone to light there car on fire if you have some weed in the car and you are getting pulled over..lmao!!!!
Thats what I said. The first 5 tips a great. The last one is far fetched.