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  1. T

    Watering in ground plants

    I'll be honest, an 8 foot plant only yielding a pound isn't all that great. This lady last year got to about 4 feet max and yielded nearly 14 ounces of cured bud.
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    need an answer light cycles.outdoors.

    A flashlight is not keeping your plant in veg. It's in veg because it's still veg season, as has been said. Leave it alone, nature knows what it's doing.
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    Flowering Issues

    I'd almost be tempted to leave them outside if you live in an area that you trust.
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    Too hot, too well watered, or too fast growing?

    I'm glad I saw this, one of my girls inexplicably got a few "wilted" leaves and I really couldn't get a lot a help as to why but mine look exactly the same. I moved her a little away from the plastic of my little DIY greenhouse a few days ago and she seems to be recovering well. The greenhouse...
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    Received a Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics kit for free

    That's what I was thinking, along the lines of a simple grow a la buds for less. Use what I can and sell the rest. As far as the nutes that are included, probably a dumb question, but are they at all useable if I go soil? My gut says they're useless.
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    Received a Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics kit for free

    I'm not sure I could even get bag seed out here in CO ha I'm not saying using the hydro setup for soil per se, but scrap the hydro for a more simple soil setup using the CFL's. I also intend to CFL's as a light source, MH/HPS will produce too much heat for the small space I'll be likely working...
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    Received a Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics kit for free

    So I got this kit for free from a buddy, doesn't look like it's ever been used from what I can tell. The nutes don't even seem to have been opened. I've read a few threads about it but nothing that I can see about a full start to finish grow with one. A couple of observations, the top on the...
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    In terms of Cannabis Liberation: Washington vs Colorado (where is it MORE "legal")?

    CO all the way. Cannabis is pretty well accepted here from what I've seen and the people I've met. I smoke everywhere!
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    LUSH LED LIGHTING.....and another one

    Im gonna have to agree with that, some Chinese LED's are not terrible and actually measure up to their name brand counterparts at times. I know I don't contribute a lot here, but I've been in the aquarium trade for a long time and have seen the LED craze play out on that side of the world. Some...
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    Out Of This World Complete Grow Kit temp issues. ROOKIE NEEDING SOME VETERAN ADVICE!

    I feel pretty lucky that I live in CO, I can just go to HTG in Commerce City and save the shipping, another reason HTG is pretty high on my list.
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    Out Of This World Complete Grow Kit temp issues. ROOKIE NEEDING SOME VETERAN ADVICE!

    We'll see how the finances land once this project gets underway, I want to be able to evenly distribute funds rather than overcompensate in one area an have to skimp elsewhere. That's my main concern. Can't really argue that.
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    Out Of This World Complete Grow Kit temp issues. ROOKIE NEEDING SOME VETERAN ADVICE!

    Having done my homework on the Lighthouse Blackstar 135W, I'm confident that the HTG version that I'd substitute for the standard 90w will not only work for my meager purposes but is actually the same unit with a different name on it. I'm more interested in the overall quality of the tent and...
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    Out Of This World Complete Grow Kit temp issues. ROOKIE NEEDING SOME VETERAN ADVICE!

    What are your thoughts on the kit in general? Im looking at the same kit and I'd like to know your impressions on the kit. Thank you!!
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    Best Dispensary in Colorado

    Allgreens has treated me well and I get a discount, so a zip runs me $160. Wayyy cheaper than Urban and the meds have been very comparable if not better at times.
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    Do visa companies report suspicious purchases to the police?

    I'm sure posting here has a higher probability of landing you on "the list" than buying some lights on the Internet, and people post here from illegal states all the time and they're still around. You're probably pretty safe man.
  16. T

    Michigan MMP coming to Cannabis Cup

    Either way I think iit'll be a blast. I just remember people posting pictures of baggies of bud they got from the Amsterdam cups in the past, maybe it was from fellow attendees, I think I saw it on grass city. Super stoked either way!!
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    Michigan MMP coming to Cannabis Cup

    I'm hoping this will be true, especially with all the speculation I've read on other forums. A few people have even gone so far as saying there will not be any vendors at the event at all, seems a little far fetched if you ask me, it was posted on GrassCity FWIW. But, this will be the first time...
  18. T

    Do mh bulbs lose the initial brightness after a few days?

    ^^This. Your eyes have adjusted to the high output light. I can speak from the saltwater reef hobby as far as degradation, we change our bulbs every year or so as the bulb degrades and doesn't give the same results. Six months for CFL bulbs.
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    did i just make a noob mistake and get myself busted?

    Think of it this way. If the Feds wanna drop in on you, they will. You're a registered user of a marijuana growing website. If you think for a second the govt doesn't have a nice little list going of people that look at certain "flagged" material on the internet, you're kidding yourself. They're...