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  1. Baglady


    I own a mobile home park. Went all out on making the homes nice. As the economy worsens, I am counting my blessings because I am staying full and my phone is ringing.
  2. Baglady

    what the f@ck??? anybody???

    I wouldn't worry about people responding. This site is a wealth of information about growing weed. I spent a lot of time reading through these threads months before I ever got my growroom set up. By the time I sprouted my first seeds I really didn't have questions. Good luck with your grow.
  3. Baglady

    Guitar playing and Tokin :)

    It is really nice to see a thread such as this. In every single post so far, I can feel the excitement and pride that you all have. It can only be understood by people who play a musical instrument (any instrument). I've been playing classical piano since I was a kid, but this past year I...
  4. Baglady

    Need advice please help

    I'm running out of time and need to order seeds now. I will be growing in the West Indies fifteen degrees off the equator. I have no idea what seeds to order. I will be growing outside.
  5. Baglady

    how do you like this letter? i might use it myself

    We didn't buy a house in the West Indies to retire. It was bought as a better and safer place to be when shit hits the fan. I would rather stay here. I finally have the life I always dreamed of and worked for. I have a wonderful partner and a prosperous business, a good balanced life that...
  6. Baglady

    how do you like this letter? i might use it myself

    "Outside of the employment he provided, he won't be missed by a single person" Jesus Christ! This is exactly the "American attitude" by most (not all) that helped to send our companies overseas. And they all sit around on their computers blaming the government for 100% of our countries...
  7. Baglady

    how do you like this letter? i might use it myself

    Brutal Truth you took the thoughts right out of my head.
  8. Baglady

    how do you like this letter? i might use it myself

    Missy, light one up and unwad your panties! I wasn't directing anything towards you personally. I'm glad that you own the home you are making payments on. I'm sure you are a good mom and I admire you for that. Growing your own food and canning, that's wonderful! It sounds to me like you...
  9. Baglady

    how do you like this letter? i might use it myself

    I own a large mobile home park. I have yet to lose a tenant because of the poor economy. The only people I have that can't pay their rent are the people with $100.00 plus cable bills, high speed internet, 6 cases of beer every week, a $250.00 a month cigarette habit, oz. of pot every week, a...
  10. Baglady

    how do you like this letter? i might use it myself

    After reading this post I am somewhat disturbed by the responses but not at all surprised by the stupidity. Being a "sucessful" business owner myself I certainly know how the writer of this letter feels. Unless you have worked your ass off, made many sacrifices, and so on, you couldn't...
  11. Baglady

    jimson weed

    My brother over dosed on that shit when he was 17. He was rushed to Baptist Hospital in Winston where he spent two weeks in the cardiology ward. Suffered some brain damage too. Don't touch that stuff.
  12. Baglady

    Looking out my window,what do you see.

    I have spent all my spare time for three years building a bird garden. It is absolutely spectacular. Over 40 species of birds visit regularly. I have the same birds drop in for a few days during migration. My boyfriend and I find ourselves glued to the big picture window for hours...
  13. Baglady

    Why does life get so much clearer after that first toke?

    If you both love each other why can't things be worked out?
  14. Baglady

    I don't live in Charlotte but I'm not that far away.

    I don't live in Charlotte but I'm not that far away.
  15. Baglady

    How old are all you stoners? Post that age!

    46 I guess I'm the oldest to post. Wow, it's amazing how fast the time goes by. I don't feel 46 at all, I feel better than I have ever felt.
  16. Baglady

    Think twice before using credit card to order seeds

    I got a phone call this morning from a detective in the town where I live, he wanted me to come talk to him about an internet matter. I only have one credit card and the only two times I used it was to order seeds online and that was months ago. Come to find out, some lady in Malaysia was...
  17. Baglady

    What R U Smokeing right now??

    I'm smoking some blueberry X AK47 that I got from Joey Weed. Absolutely brain numbing.
  18. Baglady

    Christmas present for yourself?

    I just can't say enough good about my new milwaukee. Today I was replumbing a mobile home. I had to make an access panel in a wall and then get inside the narrow wall to drill new holes for water lines. My new milwaukee was slim enough to get in there and the lazer light let me see what I was...
  19. Baglady

    Christmas present for yourself?

    No, I've never used a Hilti, but I've heard they are good. I've always used Dewalts. Dewalt is a decent cordless drill but for me they are a bit heavy and changing the battery out is very difficult. My hands are a little small and because of an accident I don't have good gripping. I really...
  20. Baglady

    Christmas present for yourself?

    I bought myself a new milwaukee cordless drill. Best $200.00 I ever spent. This drill is very light weight and it's like it was made for my small hand. This is the drill for the real working woman.